Show report made to the bank commissioner of the state of 0 utah of 0 the condition of the MONROE STATE BANK located at monroe in the county of sevier state of utah at the close of business on oil the day of october 1922 RESOURCES loans and discounts overdrafts banking house furniture and fixtures due from other banks cash items gold cold 00 silver currency total cash on oil hand expenses interest paid total total 1 liabilities capital stock paid in surplus fund undivided profits interest 29 exchange rents commissions total less expenses and taxes paid etc net undivided profits deposits subject to check cashiers checks certified checks 2400 dividends unpaid total demand deposits total time deposits other bills payable total 31 contingent liabilities on account of indorse ments of this bank none STATE OF UTAH county of sevier R G collette jr being fir first st duly sorn according to law deposes and says that he is cashier of the above named bank that the above and foregoing contains a full true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the day of october 1922 R G COLLETTE COLLETT EJR JR cashier correct attest JOSEPH H LOWE ALMA F ALMA MAGLEBY directors subscribed and sloin to before me this lay day ot of october 1922 CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN notary public seal se al my commission expires 28 th day of september 1923 STATE OF UTAH office of batik bank commissioner 1 I seth bank commissioner of the state or of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company filed in my office this day of october 1922 SETH bank commissioner |