Show jpy from our correspondent corresponded Cor nt at washington naton D C 1 low lou 11 pay 13 tho the bureau of tile the depart ment of labor Is ne accumulating cumulating a mass of material matei ial designed to show that women ordinarily have ties tica quite equal to those of in men an and all d that their wages ought ii not to be su inject to discrimination invest ence on the eight hour lay day and payment of a living wage le aie the keynotes of policy of the bureau one of the great handicaps in its work is tile the existence of certain industries which cannot or at least do not pay a living wage siv railroad Raili Rail oad toad lu 1 the gross loss to the g government resulting flom federal o of railroads will total according to the statement of james C davis director general of railroads lie ile termed federal ownership a rather expensive experiment the aln drector ector general stated that claims for SS have heen been filed the government covering 19 1000 rules miles of road of the lines consolidated il rig ng the war of this amount amount claims claim amounting to 10 settled lie he said Dir Dire etoi etol gonei generl 1 divis says the entire administration will be wound up aind up within two yea years rs forein 11 bom the total born population rop of the united states on oil january 1 1920 numbered depre I 1 sent benting ilig an all increase hicie Inci ease afre of or 3 per cent since 1910 according acco iding to census bureau agures of the total OSS were naturalized 1223 1 had taken out their papers and 53 were aliens status of tile the remaining was not ascertained by the alie enumerators the bureau said the announcement was tile the first ever made showing the citizenship distribution ot 01 the entire foreign born population without distinction as to lace age or sex previous statements having been limited to males 21 ears cars of age and over tile largest percentage nat zed in the total foreign born POP population illation of any state 7 1 3 was vas shown tor lor north dakota and tho the sm smallest ablest 11 S for arizona the largest percentage ot ol aliens was v as shown in Ail alizona Ai izona zona and the smallest e est t in south dakota red cios cio s budget A budget has been prepared pie pared ared for the american red ci choss oss to cover expenses for tile the curi canent elit fiscal year projected expenditures are more than less than those of the last cisal year among the items listed on oil tile the budget is for red cross service in behalf of f disabled e service men and families assistance t to 0 the disabled in hospitals will take care of 1790 in the budget an all ine increase fease of half a million collais over the amount for similar work in laatt years budget this will provide personal services tor for disabled men and their families to supplement benefits provided by the government for disaster relief the red cross has set aside for the current twelve months an all appropriation of virtually doubling the appropriation for the same purpose last year more than is provided for kelvice and assistance to tile the red cross chapters by the national organization debtor nations the obligations of foreign governments held by the treasury amount to GS in ill addition to certain accrued interest these obligations ligat ions were acquired as follows pio eede of sale of surplus war materials through the secretary of war and in the secretary of navy 1 3 for advances made under the liberty loan acts from the american relief administration 3 total in addition to the above the following amounts ot interest due clue and unpaid according to statements submitted by the secretary of the treasury june 29 1921 interest due and unpaid liberty bond lets acts american relief 29 20 war department 39 united states grain corporation 1 I 1 I 1 total |