Show WE ARE members federal reserve system do your business with avith a bank that has passed federal inspection JAS M PETERSON BANK KNOWN TO FOR 35 YEARS REAL ESTATE REAL INSURANCE SURAN 0 E WE HAVE farms for sale money to loan on farms houses and lots for sale WE WRITE all kinds of bonds all kinds of insurance WE FURNISH abstracts of title to land and WE investigate titles to land WE CLEAR OLD AR title to land WE ARE conveyancers notaries Not aries public and public stenographers SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY 0 OR R B BURN U R N SEVIER REAL ESTATE AGENCY I 1 IV D fitzgerald 0 manager phone 59 ii A 2nd and Floor Peterson bank RICHFIELD UTAH just received a large shipment of or j peters shot gun shells any size size load and shot at lowest prices prices con wagon mch CO U AM announcement DR H AVERILL AVERI LL optometrist and optician I 1 have located permanently in richfield Bich field and my aim is to give service and satisfaction i I 1 r i when in need 1 lof r attention we would ul d bo be alf pleased eased to give you the best beat that skill and experience can give many local references should you require the sex services vices of a medical doctor you will be told so frankly OFFICE AT JOHNSTON HOTEL j r r do you realize that a rented farm keeps your arioso noso closer to the grindstone ali than in anything else you can rent maybe sou do hut but you cal cant t see sec your way out r delta offers you the remedy and it will bo be up to you to look at the offer delta land will produce an equal or greater percentage of produce ai per aero acre than the aero acre land here alfred H ackerson an mans stomach As we grow old and lest less active less leee and leas food is required to meet A me jda ands mands of our bodies bodia it too ins taken the stem E ar h n 18 i e W i if 5 ar go ul as careful as you will however you will occasionally eat more than you should and will feel the need of 0 f chamberlains tablets to correct th the e disorder these tablet do not c contain on pepsin but strengthen the achand enable it to boits tunc 0 1 0 ns f a g als I 1 v n n delinquent NOTICE brooklyn canal company principal place of business elsinore utah NOTICE there are delinquent upon the following described stock in ill the above named company on account of an assessment levied on the day of september 1918 the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows name NoS hrs amt tames james 1 I jensen S reservoir 8 elmer winget 2675 reservoir 15 2353 ellis winget 15 reservoir 15 A nels sorensen reservoir geo T farnsworth 12 1 60 viggo smith 6 so V r B jensen 10 reservoir 9 niels olsen 1803 reservoir 10 J H lowe reservoir 20 2895 state of utah by P E miller velle by PE 5 15 1779 9 20 reservoir R A lowe 25 miller vella by R A lowe 32 mrs clara ross I 1 30 charles barney 40 reservoir 20 1800 mrs J P shaw 38 2280 cyrus winget by ammon hunt reservoir 8 cyrus winget reservoir 2918 james anderton Jk 1 30 and in accordance with lawand law and an order of the board of directors so many shares of each parcel of uch such s stock as may be necessary will bo be sold at public auction at the office of the company in elsinore utah on the day of december 1918 vat a 2 p m of said day to pay pa the delinquent assessment together with the e cost of advertising and expense of sale cost of advertising Is 25 c per par de tion JOHN ANDERTON 0 1 1 mrs 11 0 Stud icil tolls how slie she cured her son of a x cold when my son ellis was wae sick with a a cold last winter I 1 gave him chamberlains ber lains cough remedy it helped him at once and quickly broke up his cold writes mrs P 0 homer city pa this remedy has been bean in use for or many years its good qualities have been fully proven by many thousands of people it is pleasant and sate safe to take a adv d v fora for a weak stomach As a general rule all you need to do is to adopt a diet suited to your age and occupation and to keep your bowels regular when you feel that you have eaten too much and when constipated of chamberlains tablets adv S V e waste biff ti ff some users of printing save pennies by getting inferior work and lose dollars through lack of advertising ver value in the work they get printers as a rule charge very reasonable prices for none of them get rich although nearly all aff of them work hard moral gioe Give your printing to a good printer and save money our printing Is unexcelled 0 0 erndl ow us 1 they are all boasters boosters bo loo anc and deserve your business of special int interest r es t to present res or prospective tivo wearers bearers of glasses much trouble with eyes both before and after correction with lenses is due to eyestrain caused by an unequal balance of jhc zibe thc muscles that direct the two eyes to a common point I 1 have special equipment for handling such cases whose nature in such that they can bo be handled only by personal work to build up and tone the weaker muscles anyone who at times sees double or has difficulty at close work even with glasses la Is in need of such treatment would bo be pleased to explain the work to anyone DR 11 II AVERILL optometrist johnston Job hotel r ase p t OLAS COLUMN v LOST saddle between post office and 2 miles roller south on 1 state road howard bof fo return to reaper office 11 2 WHAT DO YOU THINK OP OF THIS wo we buy your old crippled cows and horses and pay you ahat you tou wish central utah trout co SNAP good civo room brick house hoube in choice part of 0 richfield full halt half lot good collar cellar cold water in house all for cash write EARL THOMPSON vernal 72 7 2 7 tt FOR SALE OR LEASE acres all fenced plenty of good feed for head of cattle with fine water for same 20 miles west of nephi address C W T hartley 41 1 judge building salt lake city ll 11 att FOR RENT acres pasture and meadow 11 1 mile from richfield will ill pasture from to head of catle for 6 to 7 months and pro duce hay for winter use nice new house on oil place good water see jas M peterson FOUND two checks drawn on state bank of sevier and first national bank of price owner may have these by proving Tiro property perty and paying for this notice would like to exchange potatoes and apples for about 3 cords of fire wood 0 P washburn monroe LOST two boys boye saddle horses one branded bar cercle bar on left thigh the other A R combined on left thigh liberal reward 0 C snow richfield 11 23 tf LOST one tiro tire rim and inner tube complete size tire had sewed half sole lost between richfield and annabella Annabe IIa on road leading to fair grounds notify john ford and receive reward LOST two pitchforks on third north street or county road between 3rd ard west and 3rd ard east street notify mrs martha horne home reward that torn tube that torn tube that discarded casing they may look worthless but dont throw them diem away you might be throwing away money moncy money which wo we could save for you send thorn them to KS wo we will alex examine them and tell yeti yea hat we think of them no charge RICHFIELD vulcanizing VULCAN IZING WORKS TREADING retreating RE OUR SPECIALTY R H greenwood telephone richfield utah all AH sizes second hand tires F for or sale call and lot Us figure with you IL T v k neill drug I 1 i rug company compan y drugs medicines sundries Sui idries fishing tackle stationery professional directory Y J TJ STEINER M X D phy and sargeon office oter commercial bauk baak phona 47 richfield ut lit D DK R R G C L A P K PhY sIdAn daa and commercial bank bids T B R GLEDHILL M X A physician and aad commercial bank houn 2 to 9 phone 39 utai DR DK physician and surgeon obstetrics and diseases of wo men and children a specialty jas aaa IM peterson baeb HUM J T L CURTIS D V M X Vetar iary surged DEPUTY state horse HOMO tw ahone 38 36 eua FOR FOB RESULTS TRY the jensen ways way to hiti mouro 0 utah calls anywhere in seyler sevier courty conaty DR J J SPOCIa MA graduate micks college collea at 0 ophthalmology chicago 1116 3rd ard atense salt bait lake CUI city DR LT H AVERILL utopia avefua salt lake i C czar here every three ac S E attorney nt at baw commercial bank telephone Tele phona 11 21 v luch laid utah PARLEY PA P A P L X Y it A G L 19 B I 1 ca balik brickfield Rick field utah BEAN HUNT at lir commercial si bartas bank amft Rich lold IT J BATES C attorney attah att peterson Pete raon bank total THURMAN A Atto racyn and aad practice in all courts continental bank badr salt lake utah auh BROS 12 1 2 block west wast ot of com coin bank balc work neatly done dona priem aront ro Nt 0 kramer butak MATT maclum iclean artl Q carpenter and general contractor ka a ay iy it all kinds of job work at estimates on any kind of we work rk 1 box richfield etab f the I 1 P al ace elfe 14 01 barber barbershop shop D aj abreo areo opposite Taberna tabernacle cJe 1 particular Shop for par particular ocular people alth the h exclusive agents for the celebrate at shot hair tonic grimn job 01 teed to remove dandruff relie relief to p 13 e itching and to castore color gray hair if scissors ground 10 cents iy ay z LSON GOODIN prope |