Show WE ARE members federal reserve system a do your business with ditl a baal that has passed federal inspection JAS M PETERSON BANK KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE FOR 3 35 YEARS REAL ESTATE REAL INSURANCE WE HAVE farms for sale money to loan on farms houses and lots for sale r WE WRITE all kinds of boudi bonds all kinds of insurance WE FURNISH abstracts of title to land WE investigate titles to land WE CLEAR title to land WE ARE conveyancers coined ancery notaries not aries public and public stenographers SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY OR BURN BUR N SEVIER REAL ESTATE AGENCY W D fitzgerald manager phone 59 2nd and floor peterson bank UTAH just received a large shipment Snip ment of nim ni on f 31 t f t I 1 r i r i peters peter slot shot gun any size load and slot shot f at lowest paces prices con wagon mch C CO 0 31 aar apr published every saturday at rich field utah subscription rates one year six months three months 60 james L ewing publisher i entered at the post office at richfield utah af ae second class mail matter UM TOB STATE gillins Gil pins bargain column buy your auto chains now before youve had an accident all sizes at gillins Gil pins adv fine line of gloves all kinds at Gilp gilphin Gil pins his adv 12 percent oft off on oil tires at gillins see our line of household and pocket cutlery gillins Gil GlI pins adv buy a bumper for your car it may save many times its cost at gillins Gil GlI pins adv spot lights at gillins Gil Gli pins adv put sume some 7 in your car before it freezes gilpin sells it adv churns the white cedar kind at gillins Gil pins adv see Gil gillins Gilp pins tas line of guns gulls hell save you money adv largest line of silverware orward in town at gilpin Gil pins adv ad phone 13 for butter wrappers rs g classified COLUMN FOR SALE 35 head of cattle inquire mrs ilias J B larsen richfield utah 1116 11 16 WANTED A small pony for childrens dr ens use phone henry peterson 10 26 tt tf LOST bosti i saddle between richfield post office and 2 miles south on state road reward howard for return to reaper onice office 11 2 WHAT MIT DO YOU THINK OF THIS wo buy your old crippled cows and horses and pay you what you wish central utah trout co SNAP good civo room brick house bouse in choice part of richfield full halt half lot good cellar cold water in house all tor for cash write E EARL ARL THOMPSON vernal 7 FOR SALE OR acres all fenced plenty ot good teed feed for head of cattle with fine water for same 20 miles west of nephi address C W hartley judge building salt lake city ll 11 at FOR RENT acres pasture and meadow 1 mile from richfield will pasture from to head of catle for 6 to 7 months and produce hay for winter use nice new house on place good water see jas af peterson FOUND two checks drawn on state bank of sevier a nd first national bank of price owner may have these by proving property and paying for this notice would like to exchange potatoes md ind apples for about 1 s rz boua 0 P washburn monroe hl onroe edgar eagar R larson county attorney elect of plute county and A R thompson of Cir circleville Circle cleville were here here wednesday on business LOST two boys saddle horses one branded bar circle bar on left thigh the other A R combined on left thigh liberal reward 0 C snow richfield 11 23 tf LOST lostin in sevier canyon a diamond automobile tire substantial reward L af luther J C penney store richfield that torn tube that torn tubo tube that discarded casing they may look worthless wort liless but dont throw them away you might be throwing away money moncy money which wo we could save for you send them to us ns we ve will examine them and toll you what wo we think of them thein no harac i RICHFIELD D vulcanizing VULCAN IZING WORKS RE TREADING OUR SPECIALTY R H greenwood telephone richfield utah all sizes second hand tires for sale call and ut Us figure with you neill nea 11 drui drua company drugs medicines sundries fishing tackle stationery professional directory J J STEINER M D and surge office oyer oter commercial phona 47 D DB R B R G and commercial bank T B R GLEDHILL M D and aad Stir surged geo commercial bank hours honre 2 to 6 phone 39 richfield utah ut DR BE physician and surgeon obstetrics and diseases DiB eases of women and children a specialty ins at M peterson baul bank building J X GUSTIS CURTIS D V va DEPUTY state horse inspector phone phona 39 33 richfield etab FOB F 0 R ElS RESULTS SULTa the way to hiek MO modroe ae utah calls anywhere in sevier county phone DR J J BUSWELL ophthalmic specialist graduate college of ophthalmology chicago 1115 3rd ard avenue salt lake city DR DB H utopia avenue salt g al t lake T k CW here evory three months ac B E HOFFMAN attorney OA law bank telephone Tela phona 11 w L ietek AdLAY ST lar baak B BEAN X A N XUN XU N T admey sst sayings richfield atall N J BATJES BAT at law office petema Pete roon bank richfield butak THURMAN it A Aft attorneys orneys and practice in all courts continental bank salt lake city utah A baab Caa Neak tone U ut 4 MATT mclean carither CarIt ker and general contractor Coni 1 all kinds of oe job work 1 on 0 any kind of work ti I 1 I 1 richfield uta utah k box 26 06 the th e palace pala e 4 bache ar er S opposite tabernacle particular shop for particular people exclusive E agents for the celebia celebrated ted thal shu shot hair tonic guaranteed Z to remove dandruff relieve itching and to restore color to 01 gray hair scissors ground 10 cents POULSON GOODIN proad |