Show CENTRAL wednesday night tile the misses lisses Al arvilla staples and rhoda anderson entertained at a shower in honor of mrs lell levall all hansen formerly miss ruby larson the evening was spent with games and music many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the guest of honor the misses dell belle gardner lora and emma spent the week end at the homo home of rhoda anderson sunday evening supt bupt I 1 B D ball and ancil talked to the parents on club work their explanation of tile the work met with tile the hearty approval of the parents and much good should result harvesting of the beet crop will practically be completed this week the crop is somewhat short of previous years the modern bungalow bun golow home 0 of f G A staples is being rapidly completed and will shortly be ready for occupancy mrs john waters has been very ill but is now reported to be on tho the improve A delight delightful fia ben party part wa ws en sunday evening at the bome oma og 02 miss aliss rhoda anderson in honor PA 0 misses belle gardner lora and ami emma sol Soi ison besides tile ilona nontia ea guests vie tio following girls were present hoda greenwood dora hawley lilla ilia staples jennie greenwood rvilla ence mildred mildrea gray ruby rubi ransen the time was spent with music as the chief entertainment refreshments were served |