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Show : north' Sanpete : District Is Pur-dasingStokers Pur-dasingStokers the Board of Education ol S h inuote School Dis- deftc . tostaU stokers in a. .2 ol the district, frequent s k have been heard from wfdistrlct should not erten the increased 'P' if has been possible to WfS nfetocTof purchase! CetfokHS, the complaints, oTtlJXtrict may tfuStails of toe deal and wisdom of toe same, I 'lit the following: purchasing the stokers on the coal-saving basis, words, we pay for the Ja only as we can save to ?wl bill, and only to the Xor the savings This Tans that there has not been Sung added to the expense of SSctas a result of the ourchase of the stokers, om fuel bill for several years m been around $6,000 per year. Z year, through toe purchase i slack coal we expect to reduce Jr fuel bill by $2000 to $3000. I whatever we can thus save in coal test will be paid to the Economy Stoker Company as part payment i the stokers. The stokers are testing the district $6,600 and we eipect to have them paid for in lull within three years. During this time the district is not paying my more for heat, and at the Bine time, it is getting ownership d machines that will save the taxpayers approximately 40 percent per-cent of the cost of heat at such j time as -the stokers are paid lor. After the stokers are paid lor the taxpayers will have lis money to raise for the heating of the schools; during the time we ut purchasing the stokers the taxpayers are not paying any more for both heat and the stokers stok-ers than they have been paying for heat alone. There are several arguments in favor of stokers: 1. They are not an experiment. Several school districts in Utah md other states have used them successfully for several years. Business Bus-iness houses, and churches nave lound them efficient and economical econom-ical They burn a cheaper grade of coal. We have been using lump tal to give us heat. With stokers stok-ers we shall use slack coal. ! Fewer tons are required to iat the school where stokers are R-d than was used by hand fir-H fir-H Approximately 10 to 15 per M fewer tons of slack will be used than was needed of lump ;oaL t Stoker fed furnaces require s janitor time, thus freeing him do other janitorial duties ma the school. It may mean ' employment of fewer janitors. 'They can be regulated to fUL the temPeratures above ing in the rooms of the school extremely cold nights. The Wni of coal necessary to give neat at night is not more J"!1 be necessary under tad-lirtag to bring the rooms ran, below freezing point to abovc-Mg abovc-Mg points in the mornings. The cost of power to run the tas is not excessive. It is "Mted that the cost of running Mi? S ?ers not exceed wo for the year. aJr? give a uniform and reg jLb the schools, thus ""tag better health conditions A. E. JONES, Superintendent. |