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Show .McUin.ui.w to in-: Will Succeed Course II. S;ca.j- as . Westminster Faculty Man. j Dr. W. W. M. .-Kiraban. Ph. D., principal of Wasaleh Academy ;it Mount Pleasant, has been named dean of Westminster college to succeed suc-ceed Dau George B. Swenzey, who has accepted a call tu West misl er college col-lege at Fulton, Mo., according to an announcement made Tuesday night after the commencement meeting of the trustees of the college at the office of-fice of Attorney E. 1!. Critehlon' in the McCormick building. Dr. II. W. Rehord. president of the college, reported that its the result re-sult of the endowment fund campaign cam-paign of Westminster college $2.V 000 out of the total of $100,000 sought has been realized. lie explained ex-plained that the development of the war and part which the United States has taken appears to have contributed contribut-ed to the failure to raise the entire amount. Hearld-Republican. |