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Show Millinery Opaiag I Display Latest i I PARISIAN MODELS I i I 1 s Commencing I SATURDAY, ARCH 9th ! I cMrs. T. H. Parsons ooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! Special SALE Curtains! O $ This Hale makes it possible to recurtain your home at big savings. O f Everything th-it goes into the making of fine high priced curtains is embo- O 5 died in this wonderful group. A O STYLE The newest developments in cui-tain design. q O QUALITY Almost unbelievable at these prices. jf q WORKMANSHIP Tailoring, Exquisite ! Made by a manufacturer who O has formerly made only the high priced curtains. O o o O , Take advantage of this Once-in.a-Season Sale. q 5 Five beauliful styles and designs. Kriss Kross, Combination Chick, Ivory O o Voile, Valance set of hand twist Voile and Ecru. Q o o O PRICED $1.29, $1.39, $1.49, and $1.59. g 5- Also big display of the newest Spring Designs of Cretonne draperies at a O o o O very special price of 25c per yard. Q o O Anotner shipment of those beautiful Nelly Don dresses have just arrived, ft O O All the latest materials priced $1.95, $2.95 and $3.93. II 2 , , BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS. O 2 o 0 g 1 Bingham Merc Co. g g THE BIG STORE g : . g OOOOOOOOf oooooooooooooooooooooooooo aCPENNEYC: I 476-8 MAIN STREET BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH "A Friend of the Family" Somewhere, near you, there is a sign like this. It is a friendly sign one that promises Quality, always at a Saving and back of that promise stands the honor of a great Company. To the Man of the House it means sturdier ihoes and clothes at lower-than-usual prices. His wife knows it as a store where she can find what she wants at a price she c.in afford. The next time you sec that sign drop in sir. .1 lock around. You will find it an honest, depend-tble depend-tble sign a real "friend of the fami'y." FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 8 & 9 ihmih ' in 1 i ii.i t' i".fr p on Lili and HOUSEHOLD HEEDS teed at FINE AT ESS-JAY'S SPECIAL MONEY-JAVING PRICES Ess-Jay's ? I rb I 5c Crystal White fZriancee Face noil 25c Eagle Brand 10- (0S$ J tfttSSSSH Powder .. IUU MiIk m ggg . IbyPkH Rfnr93r ana s1-00 Fiancce Per- 33c Card's GraPe 1Q p. I wBfflJzi I free i tL.-m mm I tZ : . .... 6 for 23c H Xf!r.....$2.00 J -'Oc I 5 for 21 c few 1L , I 25c 49c Ifc8. 25c.fi. 4 Ifll Z3C 12 for 68 : 65c Pond's Vanish-AO-. ggP Green; Vt pound " J 50c Extract of Witch Hazel, 0Cp I jg Cream -Ju H GOc Ea3.Jay Fountain Bjcnd mj -v. 'Pint' .-tfl' I 50c Pebeco Tooth 97- M Coffee, pound Hlb 50c Alco Massage Rubbing 07f h Paste g,u E $1.25 Lydia Pinkham's 7Q- firiU)' K Alcohol, pint J,u 25c Listerine Tooth 1 0- M Vegetable Compound ..l3bLjaJ fl IP! 23c Boric Acid; 10- I Paste ....... ... . .' rJ $1J25 Parke, Davis QQ-tHM fa ".. 11 8 ounces.. .,0bSi 50c Ipana Tooth OCg standarized Cod Liver Oil JUU ; 1 fe 25c Glycerine and Rose- 10- g Paste U J 40c 01- i '5f ft ' 6 ounces M f Ctorla 23C : i luS"5 18C If 6 .....35C I 30c Stedman's Teeth- 1Q, ' 20c Epsom'SaU,' " 10-1 $1.00 Gillette PQ- h lnwders" ,tU f ks&W pound I Blades ? tU I IIH1' 19a I drRMd!...23c OKr1 jIqc I 30c Phenola, 19CRl 33C WKaiT ; Wafers 11,1 lBbde3 JJvi Will pt with pint ci in $1.00 Bencoline CO- &- f Vacuum Bottle li4j Antiseptic 50c Auto Strop 0K p A$2 50 Twin- 50c Bencoline 0C-9iM I Blades, 5's K $.&phx Strop- fef Ifei .....;TT27C I Agto Strop orJ-SHot . -IsSa Tablets. 100's 03C W I've, red Q0- 50c Phillips' Milk of 0- f. h 51-50 Monitor OA- fi r V 1 , , c Magnesia . 34C Alarm Clock 301 , $1.50 Knight Fountain Syringe. QO-b K,DaVi; COpM Waterbury Thrift Alarm No. 'Knt I 5 American Oil 03U fc3 p Clock. Your choice of TS m h i t: ; 30c Laxative Bromo colors-Red Green, g 3 h jgZwV STITVV g flBluCOr YC"0W ig grgtle and Fountain $1.0 0Tanlac ......... -79c CZ Syringe. No. 2 $1.00 Listerine 73C A i' 25c Infant 10- ;: P Size. Complete r 25c Aromatic Cascara; 10- 'f. Syringe assortment of correctly CJ1 CO 2 ounces ,UV 50e Infant 41- " designed Attachments ,,DJI $3.00 Admiral Hot Water MOD "C.nai OjC i $2.00 Home's Best Hot Water tfl 00 I Bottle. No.J2 Size Syr,nge Bottle. No. 2 Size k $4.50 Admiral Combination Hot Water fi $3.00 Cooper's Sanitary r $3.00 Home's Best Combinatioa Hot- I 1 Bottle and Fountain Syringe. 00 OQ (H; Vaginal tfl QR water Bottle and Fountain CI 0Q t) No. 2 Size .... IDooche ,. 'l3UJ Syringe. No.2Size lidO 4IW--,-- 1 .V-:.f)yprr . ,. A--.-,-wAi -r- -.,, 1 1 111 - T-rn mi. , 1 ,. ..-iBiri.iii-M.M hi ini.tr - 1--- in nimi-iT. |