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Show I -DAMAGE. DONE-BY.CiJTW.QSUi Pest WfaV'tHiliea'leJ;JvineV HT Possiblpj, I Vt Overflew fffm Where Irrigation Practiced!' ToiijifosJ.efvl)blige!l s.wort.J ntj.;lfoes and vUiqr ypsjilftWcu. j uid;,.l)d,e,n1 plants, and escpecially thtse which are stiiii-t'en''un'dtir glass' and' triitispiaifl-1 ed, are subjeit-'tof sai-taniKt ioJnry'i i ,oitworBt.s,, .Thf.iiupeaf jjopejiiuf J in great inunbens, in ' spring' and ' early suimirer'iin'd' f re'qtie'htly "(ft'stfverp'inl jury before th'e' rn:vnKes itre! wintrot: The mptliodioflattju-.kl Is Id.iutl oiT.;5lm young plants at about, tlje surface ,'u'r the ground, an'A' as 'i be'se. Ins'cls' 'ar'o'o? large anld 'Jv-brarrtmis To'eden's' tl!i7! tire capable,)! Vlesl).o;i;ig iti)i,4,plo.ntq In a singienjght rrequont.l moretUian they pah ''il'eyoiir. ' ' During 'b'e past two yfeurs these1 iiieecs,'vrking' Rlril ;erally.,tirHig.lij.Ue. .nl!iiid.!sa4ps,i,.5 . stroyedliyndred.spH thiuisands of dolj iars' Worth of crops ' Tiy tile tmWlV a'pplictlMon'' ofitremetTlis. uiVweve'Ul're was dotiflnstraled! tby.,tln' jopf ivitf ,of agrjcifltfu-S,J.hro.Uli)(fliMd.agets, others" 6t the, bureau of 'oii'lpintildsy epgagad'IU tii Inve'stigatToH-of 'iiisilt injurimfepto: t tnii 1 erpH';h)drliii'Hlrfi Weets jrJSfnie,.jvf iKf 'lJS'toT'Jl tag regions, 'notably In .tidewater Vit; ginia.-IM 'srtnileVn TeVaVrMii"' TO ill1 .cinity-pf RjoVky (Povdt.'. CVlo)iin.,sotklHij ern Caliiforp!ia'..in Ule,..,v;V,n.iy.Qf., S;-ramenCQ, S;-ramenCQ, Cal.,'Iij Stark couqty. Indiana: and 1 'dome' oilier' 'region! yiBRt ntVMl insects ca-aliie iron'tl il; (.do tTOllet.l8tl rareas being, siic.qessfuJltrfiadThq usual 'method of control ii by '(lie iu4 :of pofsoned-'oa-its'.,r"r!fI:i "i;'- .' 'll ' Tak aibustet uf !i-y,:i)ra-nilwi'jrqtf .poiintL oT aquW Qr,.j;af la,gr.e,qn(1.afll mix it thoroughiy fintp a nuisli witJi eight ga'llo'ris WmlM? In Vritcn" ' been stiirodiiialf a giclion rtl-slti'gl'itwni 'br other cheap moJhasen Ctftflth,?, mash has stood severa hoitrS; scatter :lt In lu'Mps'dY alio'tft t'he'sl'ie'b'f "'it marble mar-ble ovfibUJle'.flBl'ds whete iirinrylt'jiej ginnina,9 Wfief r aiii.aji4)it,lto Ifftsi) of the plants set oitt. Apply late 111 the day sb'ai'Vi piace fhe-' polsdn 'Kft'sut .the piaJitklbveifffniKiiir. ;MBbiBttfisj(jt time f,tten YUe,..joiiif.fm.IareJ aijfye Apply a'second time lf'(n'ecssary.' tWhen cutworm's'decu'r'-iri'' Bmi'MfW pmetHnes-'genl,l,!?omp'eabon4! they exhaust diiMrtlf oddisn) Ay and are driven to migrate to other fields. This they do, literally in armies, assuming Tyhafis! called:: the .ai'mt-woimibsbitaj At piighf(,rm,es,'it,. is. necessary, lp,fi;afiftf) them,, as; .jWe., ,do army worms., While 'the nieih6djs.fwhlcb' have beptf 'hd vi'seo' are "valiiable'lh 'such; case's! th'e9e"re'niJ!rl'" edieS'Xaky.be.'ttto stowi'lo 'Jdestrdy:a)l(.lr4 :theifiutwjoi,'!)s aifd ve, ;--IJjereXor,fhavjoj. J I to nj pipy ., Qt-ber , m et-bod, . . jTh es nU elude" 'freilching, d'tching'' the ilgwinf, ' of db4'p fu'rfcVs'-in a'd varii?e if't" hfe rffc?' " " eling cutworms to 'trap-tSe'iiv-'Blid-tbefl'Ja fragging of logs or brush through the fjirrpws.j If the. trenches can be filled "with water, the addition' o'f'!'a ':small'-quaittftyjf ':small'-quaittftyjf kerosene', so'aa tri'Torm ii ni thiiiiracu'iii; )on;. the, svlrface,! wi.l . irpT6;.'; fata. ijn ex.trenie.pases .liarriers, f fence boacfU areerected and llie tp,p's ' ' haearb2:-wfth tar or other sticki' 'BuD'-'',;i! stances to stop' etUWrms'-'ivs': 'they! Jt'W attemptr to -eaw4 ever.-. ..-Jaeao.flultural. meUioUa-uid.-rxiiaJ.ioji ots"ertrjHt -..a-!'e""'advisa.ble.i fts.-alao"-(l all plowing and disking. "Many 'cutworm! can be destroyed where it is poss life to overflow 'the fields. . This -. is ' -icularly applicable whern ' jn-iaa ifih isfiractieed. ' '. ' " ' ' .' M ' ' ' : '''.' ' '-. ;1 -. |