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Show " I' . I ' ' 3 ft t THE CHOSEN INTRUMSNT OF THE I WORLD'S GREATEST ARTISTS I fe'SST? WhiCh ?layS the Grsates Music 1 3 is the Instrument You Want in Your 1 ; Home. jp Hear the Greatest Singers, Orchestras, Bands, 1 soloists on all Instruments, Speeches Etc., Etc. ' d No Home is Complete Without a VICTROLA- The Supreme Instrument. 1 THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO ' 1 I THE FAMILY j I Demonstrations Gladly Made at Any Time. See j or Telephone j Local Agent. ' I People's Sugar Co. j I '$ Sanpete County farmers will please remember that p 5jf v ' a SIGNED contract with the People's Sugar Co. is NOT U j necessary to grow beets and receive the top price there- fore. $7.00 per ton for beets going 15 per cent or better I $ ft H in Sugar is the price for 1917. $ i " Prepare your ground and let us know the acreage t i $ you have ready. We will have the seed planted in proper g S , $ f time. I I y - I l i $ i I ' I People's Sugar Co. $ 710 - 714 Mclntyre Bldg. I I Salt Lake City, Utah. THE UNIVERSAL CAR . i i Ford Chassis $325.00 Jj j Ford Bunabout $345.00 ! Ford Touring Car $360.00 jj fa Ford Coupelet $505 00 1 1 Ford Town Car $595.00 1 j Ford Sedan $S45.00 lljj Prices F. O. B. , I Detroit, Mich. ; j 1 SUMNER'S GARAGE State Street Mt. Pleasant, Utah jjM-IJ,,j1...imi'ii'"1 1 L""" gJ""'J'"'JJU"Mjjj " XOTICE TO SHEEPMEN" I will be at Ibex to receive your Rams, after January 1, and would suggest that you brand them all well so that there will be no trouble at time of delivery. Will try and hold them mntll June if possible, weather permitting. Would like to know the imount you will each have. In case there are any in need of false teeth, broken legs, etc., see Dr. R. A. Bate-man; Bate-man; other ailments of the body, Dr. J. D. Meyrick. Anything else that the above are in doubt of, see me. J. J. WATSON, Mount Pleasant and Ibex, Utah. advt.v i Consult Us About Your Eyes We are Specialist in the science of On'onietry ; can diagnose any case; of defective vision with unerring ac-! curacy am! fit glasses that will con- j ii:er it completely. Our method Is! safe, certain drimlcss and perfect re-; s'.:lts are obtained in every instance. J .'.Iways here to serve you prnmptl) j and in a manner that will be to your complete satisfaction. Dr. E.G. Mills 1 1 wjw:w:'mm)-,ms.mm 1 Oh! for a big bowl of l Simripe Rolled Oats A big bowl of SunriK' Rolled Oats " ocs f'ooi " these $ - cold 'mornings. Kvery member of the household likes 1 these KolUiil Outs. In imuiy homes it, is the exclusive breakfast diet. Even those who, at one lime, did not like v ordinary oatmeal must have t heir bowl of Sunripe Jvolled Oats or they haven't had breakfast. j ,, ROLLED OATS I 3 V M , $ Y . A mere look into the carton tella , '. r you that the choice of the crop must $ i-i't''iit:'"'iv:: have been used to make those big, , ,s -J,LS&ii appetizing (lakes. $ V - Your grocer sells Sunripe Pro- V ,:, "Sfe UTAH CEREAL FOOD CO. 4 -I'"'' :" "' '.'. . -- OGDEN, UTAH. v v: : ss 3bx ';-se-' "-se x r :.e x xx ;xx se:x' : :&-.;X- NOW IS THE TIME! j We have just received Lho new line of mountings for the Christmas trade. You should call early and see ill the latest styles for 1917. A good portrait of yourself is the ideal Christmas remembrance. Your friends can buy anything you can give them except your photo-'graph. photo-'graph. Call early as w-e are very busy now i on orders for the Holidays, and you will want yours before Christmas. Yours truly, j GEO. BEVINS. Mount Pleasant Studio. I A Strenuous j I Objection j livcred only thrcc-quar S5jE""T S ccrs of a ton of coal 2".' iiPW ft If and charged you for a JBWk S h tuli ton, vou WouM ob- t-rJilP'',S, 0 8; tr-ct ami refuse to rav 5r5iXSi B I mi. Then wh,p kmSi , use a heater thtt I TTTl id waj.tes ane quarter ) rESE K$ jj of your fuel? V-- -wA I t Great Western Oak ? co.tsumes all carlwn and (taws none I N escapes up,ch;,rncv. Seien-ilie l, I slotted opemnqs r.ufct. over fire: aorl it '"K' ;lnor W can el.-n-Iv - I i Sold By 1 LCOX90I,TTATKI FTTFWJ. CO. Mt. Pleasant, rth. I M f:?y m, 4 u4 Jpa1 i$zJ i m ohtoineel tJirourrh tli; oJd osiAl)ihed Ifl Kg SWIFT & CO." ore boing quickly K fe3 Send ainndf.' or ski'ichr iond cTrf-rnptlon f3 m of youi invrr.tinn lor f l iC SEARCH tl P and n'porl on imten'.obility. W-? pnl pat" Fil Efl ent.i or'no fo. Wvito for our free book M KM of 300 needed inventions. not ID.SWIFT&G0.B I Patent Lcwyerc Ebtb. 188 f Q307 Seventh St.. Washinqton. S3Kani'v?":?r,i323nsayK' 4 Buy Coffee From Your Grocer He Is Reliable Insist on MCLAUGHLIN'S Coffees The Largest Boasters in the World of Fine Coffees. I THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO S AVE AND EENCE TWO ROADS TO RICHES jj One is by introducing practical banking i ? methods in the household. A checking account f . will do that. The other is acquisition by the s table of addition regular deposits at stated in- ty S tervals, left t:; compound. A savings account $j $ will do that. In either case start with this h strong Company. y g MT. PLEASANT COMMERCIAL & SAVINGS BANK ':: ; -x -ac &'. o: -:c-mi.ac! -swcckc -aw-sas -ztriaea |