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Show (1 lLj Dew From a San Francisco Fog! Walter Duranty, former N. Y. Times correspondent in Moscow and elsewhere, joined our table the other noon to talk shop. . . . We were depressed, de-pressed, we told Mr. Duranty, over our sour luck. v Before a Molotov story broke on all the front pages, we had written and filed the story exclusive 36 hours earlier. "Nobody," we added, "seems to know anything about it, although Ivan Paul of the San Francisco Examiner Ex-aminer (who motored us to the place) was witness to the fact." "Oh, well," said the veteran correspondent, cor-respondent, "you can't get them all, you know." "You don't seem to understand," we groaned. "There's excitement in getting a scoop now and then. Don't you try to get scoops?" "No," said Duranty. "I'm in the erudite part of the profession." Things I Never Knew Till Now: After the First World War, Harry Truman owned a haberdashery shop which failed. He refused to dodge his debts by resorting to bankruptcy. . . , Truman spent the next 14 years paying off $20,000 worth of haberdashery haber-dashery debts. There is a lot of talk about what we ought to do to Germany (and Japan) for mass-murdering prisoners prison-ers and labor slaves. This pillar auggests that we let the "things" whip themselves with memories of their bestiality with us just prodding prod-ding the memory. There are evidences evi-dences of German savagery all over Europe, so let's preserve them as monuments. Let future German generations see them and find out what kind of blood they are born with. If they can grow up among reminders of what it costs to be a monster, maybe they'll work a little harder to get back into the human race. nitler's name must be perpetuated among the Germans. Every platz and strasse and highway named for him should continue to wear the Adolf Hitler tag. Why shouldn't his name offend German noses the way It has the noses of other people? After all, they nourished him. so they can be stuck with him. His puss must also be kept public all over the billboards, the school books and calendars. He must always be referred to as Der Fuehrer, and we can drop around a couple of decades from now and ask them what they think of the founder of the master race. And that master race should be a must, too. They must never refer to themselves as anything else. If they fail, the penalty will be a solo rendition of the Horst Wssel song, a verse and a chorus. The only excuse ex-cuse for not uttering master race will be a doctor's certificate swearing the holder got the phrase stuck in his throat. He'll Just have to write "Heil, Hitler" a hundred times. Germany's big day of the future will be called Der Tag and will be observed annually, with everybody compelled by law to participate. The day will begin with broadcasts of Hitler's pop-off speeches (recordings), (record-ings), featuring those denouncing the rotten democracies and also those excusing the German murderers on the ground that inferior races deserved de-served to die. Then there will be movies, with attendance compulsory, compul-sory, showing the beaten and starved prisoners of war at Lublin, Maide-nek, Maide-nek, Treblinka, Mieste, Belsen. Every German upon reaching his or her 21st birthday will be made to make a pilgrimage to Lidice, and there hear a reading of the report of hangman Heydrich, who murdered mur-dered in vengeance every innocent child and woman in that Czech village. vil-lage. To return to the celebration of Der Tag, the final exercises of the day would be a standing vote by the population on what they think of the Versailles Treaty of World War I. And they would be asked if they had plenty of living room, or had their patience become exhausted the way it had so often before 1939. If any of the Krauts cared to learn English they would be given lessons culled from some newspapers in the U. S. Since these lessons were originally origi-nally written to comfort the Nazi ideal, they would probably be easy to absorb. The Germans would be particularly interested in the American Amer-ican columns that sneered at reported report-ed German atrocities as so much hogwash. Plans to probe the Ku Klux Klunks are wrapped in a shroud. Such plans usually grab newspaper space and then die of neglect. . . . The Klan ostensibly disbanded a year ago, but the hooded hoodlums have been popping up again disguised with new names. . . . Don't delude yourself with the idea that the Klan is as dead as It should be. Remember Remem-ber that when the Klan crawled underground, un-derground, Klan chief James A. Colescott stated: "I am still the leader of the Klan. The other officials of-ficials still retain their titles |