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Show READERS' COMMUNICATIONS (Send in your communications, within 275 words, and be sure to enclose a dollar for typesetting.) (Writers take full responsibility for what they say.) Editor Progressive Opinion: EARL SAYS PUBLIC SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR FOOLS Said Mark Twain: "We should be thankful for the fools, hut for them the rest of us could not succeed," which would seem to justify the conclusion that "the fools" are the primal requisite to the success of "the rest of us" and places the two factors in a position so nearly related to make it difficult to distinguish one from the other. If you have any doubt about this just try making a condensed con-densed summary of the entire officialdom, including the Congress Con-gress and the public in general; divide by two, then tack the proper label to "the fools" and likewise to "the rest of us." If the analysis proves the New Dealers to be "the rest of us" then the rest of us must needs be the damphools, else smething has gone haywire with the old political band wagon and the old Ship of State is floundering in the quagmire of dissolution somewhere on the coast-line of nowhere. And this rule will -work like magic if applied to modern leaders and politicians; I to the dispensers of the creeds and insurance men; to takers of usury and the emissaries of darkness. I would call this "a J house divided against itself" at least until old Lucifer puts a few more finishing touches to it, then it will be a solid unit, i And still there are millions of good, honest people in the world; God-loving people; people who do not aspire to the honor of men, to the riches of the world nor to hold dominion over the earth. These are they who are soon to be gathered, from the four corners of the earth, from the isle of the seas, and this will happen just prior to the ushering in of that golden age, when "war drums throb no longer and battle-flags are furled, in the parliament of man, the federation of the world." Sylvester Earl. Editor Progressive Opinion: THINKS PEGLER WOULD DESTROY RELIGION The organ of the L. D. S. Church (Deseret News) is voicing voic-ing the sentiments, and encouraging a monster (Westbrook j Pegler) who would if he had his way, destroy every principle I of the Church. Whenever any organization cares nothing for its patrons and officiates for its individual greedy desires and sentiments, the monsters they are encouraging will soon destroy all they hold dear. I know it's almost impossible for a i Latter-day Saint to voice his true sentiments through the 1 columns of the Deseret News. I know that such monsters as Westbrook Pegler is not voicing the sentiments of the' true Latter-day Saints. R. M. Brandon |