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Show Woolelys Enjoy Trip To California Mr. and Mrs. Earl V.'oolley have returned finiii a very enjoyable trip to California and paints en-' route. One reason for th tiip was to diive their daughter Mrs. Leonard Sorenson and two children Rass.'U and Sherryll to Fort Ord where 'heir htmbar.fi and father Ffc. Leonard Sorens.-n is new stationed. station-ed. The Sorcnson's came home ome weeks ago from Ft. Campbell, Camp-bell, Kentucky. Mrs. Sorenson and the two children have been visiting visit-ing here with their parents and grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wool-Icy Wool-Icy and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sorenson, Soren-son, while Pfc. Sorenson transferred transfer-red to Fort Ord and found a place for his family. Enroute Mr. and Mrs. Woollcy visited with Mrs. Woolley's parents par-ents Mr. arid Mrs. J. E. Meller at Monroe Before returning to Utah they drove to San Diego and Los Angeles Ang-eles and at Las Vegas visited with their daughter and son-in-law Doril and Ray Watson. |