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Show Elsyium Club Has Valentine Party On February 19 With their husbands as guests, the Elysium Club held their Valentine Val-entine party on Feb. 19 at the Lin-don Lin-don Recreation Center. A gay Valeirutine theme was carried car-ried out in the room decorations and the table centerpiece and individual in-dividual favors. Everything was In perfect harmony. The dinner was served smorgasbord styls. After dinner games were played directed by Pauline Olpin. The good time was enjoyed by Messrs and Mesdames Ned Alger, Morris Ingersoll, Lowell Gillman, Dan Crump, Malcolm Beck, Dee Olpin, Darrell Harper, DaRoss Brady, David Faddis, Ben Whiting, Whit-ing, Keith Christeson, Roy Halla-day, Halla-day, Wayne Wood, Richard Gour-ley, Gour-ley, Leon Hatch, Chris Hrienson, Lester Brady, and Mrs. Dee Harris, Har-ris, Mrs. Glen Julian, Mrs. Don Peterson, Mrs. Don Brimley, Mrs. David Waid, Miss Mary Lou Gardiner. Gar-diner. Committees responsible for the very worthwhile affair were Bliss Brimley, Andrea AJger, Pearl Gourley, Jackie Brady, Mary Lou Gardiner, Karyl Halladay, Madge Peterson, Colleen Harris, Shirley Hatch, Marilyn Hrienson, Pauline Olpin, Marilyn Shields, and Beul-ah Beul-ah Whiting. |