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Show P G Riding Club Elects Officers The Pleasant Grove Riding met this week for the purpose of holding hold-ing their annual election of officers offi-cers for the coming year. Elected to head the organization was Reed H. Walker. Other officers elected to help run the organization for the year were Monte Blackhurst, vice-president; Hensen Walker, secretary; Nile Smith, advertising, and Ken Gillman, Captain. Lieutenants were not elected at this time, but will be elected later in the year, according to Nile Smith, former president and advertising ad-vertising man for the club. The club has had a very successful suc-cessful year and wishes to thank the outgoing officers for the work put forth during 1952. Other retiring re-tiring officers besides Mr. Smith are Keith Jense, vice-president; LaVell Boren, secretary; Reed Or-ton Or-ton advertising, and Captain Clyde Green. Lieutenants were Hensen Walker, B. Cobbley,. Earl Lipscomb Lips-comb and Earl Matthews. |