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Show "John Deere Day" To Be Held Wed., Feb. 21 In American Fork Farmers and their families of North Utah county are invited to be guests of the Chipman Merc. I Co. on Tuesday, February 21st, at the annual observance of "John Deere Day." The day's events include a lunch at the A-merican A-merican Legion hall in American Fork, at 11 a. m., and a free picture show at 1 p. m. at the Cameo Theatre. The feature picture, "Roots in the Soil," is a dramation of life in rural America. Its action cen ters around a small town banker and his family who plays an important im-portant part in community activities. activ-ities. Richard Travis Travis and Rochelle Hudson play the leading lead-ing roles supported by three of Hollywood's younger actors and actoresses, plus a cast of unusual unus-ual ability. The Chipman Merc. Co. exten-1 ds an invitation to all fanners I and their families to be their j guests for the day's activities. |