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Show Young Couple Are Honored At Reception Mr. and Mrs. George Harting of Los Angeles, California, entertained enter-tained Monday evening at a nicely arranged wedding reception, honoring hon-oring their daughter Bettie Jean Reid and Eugene Harvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Harvey of this city. The reception was held in the First ward recreation hall, where the bridal couple and their party received relatives and friends at the end of the hall, before a background back-ground of pink and white streamers stream-ers with a gorgeous basket of lovely blooms, over which lighted candles gleamed brghtly. In the lineup were , the bride and groom, their parents, matron of honor Mrs. David Christensen, Mrs. J. H. Harvey, and Luana Isaacson, Is-aacson, J. H. Harvey, performing the duties of best man and pretty little Jan Sylvester, flower girl. The bride was singularly beautiful beaut-iful in traditional white satin, fashioned with fitted bodice, high neckline and long pointed sleeves and full skirt. Her fingertip veil was of fine net and fell from a tight-fitfung satin cap. Her bridal bouquet of roses and carnations was centered around a large orchid. or-chid. Mrs. Christensen chose a gown of green and white.Mrs. Harvey wore a lavendar formal, and Miss Isaacsoon pink.. All carried dainty small fans of pink carnations with silver tirm. Little Miss Sylvester was clad in a- dainty yellow formal. for-mal. The brides mother wore a long gown of acqua blue, and Mrs. Harvey chose gray. Their" corsages corsag-es were camelias nestled in carnations. All the men of the party wore white boutonniers. Bishop and Mrs. H. S. Walker received guests at the door. A. P. Warnick was master of ceremonies and cleverly introduced introduc-ed the program numbers, which were all arranged by the girls of Cesta Tie, the bride's sorority1 at Brigham Young University. Miss Marcene Camp rendered two vocal numbers, "My Hero" and "My Wonderful One." She was accompanied by Jack Bowman. Bow-man. Miss Colleen Collins, accompanied accom-panied by Gordon Keddington did an interpretive dance number, "Expression of Love." Miss Jean Howard sang two numbers "Because" "Be-cause" and "All for You." She was accompanied by Mr. Keddington. Kedd-ington. As the concluding number the Cesta Tie girls carrying lighted candles circled round the bridal couple and sang their Brides Song and the Sweetheart Song. Dancing completed the evenings festivities, with tasty refreshments refresh-ments and viewing of the lovely gift display. The long table in the refreshment refresh-ment room was centered with a beautiful three tiered wedding cake, encircled with sweetpeas, and flanked by1 lighted candles in crystal holders. Miss Betty Bean was the gracious young hostess. Serving were Miss Janice Bick-more, Bick-more, Miss Gwen Beck and Miss Doris Hawker. Caring for and arranging the gift display were Ethel Stewart, Anne Stewart, Lois Noelte, Helen Ruth Claridge. Immediately following the reception re-ception the couple left for a honeymoon hon-eymoon in Sun Valley. The popular young couple were married Monday morning in the Salt Lake LDS temple with President Pres-ident Robert Young officiating. Witnessing the ceremony were the parents of the bride and groom, the groom's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christensen of American Fork, Mr. and Mrs. James Rhodes of Draper and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harvey. Following the marriage the entire en-tire party enjoyed a wedding breakfast at Hotel Utah. |