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Show LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Vance Green are the proud parents of a baby daugh- ter, The little lady arrived Sunday Sun-day at the Utah Valley hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hendrich-son Hendrich-son and son Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rasmussen and daughter Mary Alice, have returned from a very enjoyable trip to California At Glendale they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendrichson, at La Crescenta with their sister, Mrs. Don Hales and family. After attending at-tending the Rose Parade they visited vis-ited at Las Vegas Nevada", with Mrs. Rasmussen's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mansfield. Dawn Adams has returned after a two weeks vacation here to resume re-sume her studies at USC and also her private instructions from the world famous Feri Roth. Her sister, sis-ter, Zoe James, husband and little son, Robert, were also here for the Holidays. Joan arrived Xmas eve by plane for a brief visit, making mak-ing it a full house and a joyful Xmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Adams. |