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Show Nicely Arranged Reception Honors Newlyweds s Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Adams entertained en-tertained relatives and friends on Friday evening in honor of their daughter. Laura and Victor W. Hammond, who were married on Thursday, January 8, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. The nicely arranged ar-ranged affair was held in the First ward Recreation Hall. In front of the background of palms and flowers, over which lighted candles cast a warm glow, the bridal party received relatives and friends. In the lineup were bridj and groom, their parents, the bride's sister, Miss Margaret Adams, Ad-ams, maid of honor, Shirley Thompson, bridesmaid, Jean Chapman Chap-man and Beverly Monson attending attend-ing matrons. Gordon Lee of Tooele performed the duties of best man. The bride was charmingly lovely in a gown of white satin fashioned with a long train. Her fingertip lace trimmed net veil fell from a beaded crown. She carried a bridal bouquet of red roses centered with gardenias. The maid of honor chose a lovely orchid formal while Miss Thomp-Chapman Thomp-Chapman and Mrs. son was gowned in pink. Mrs. Chapman, and Mrs. Monson wore turquoise and peach respectively. All carried bouquets of pink roses and white roses and carnations. The mothers of the bridal couple I wore corsages of gardenias. Following the bridal waltz. Calvin Cal-vin Swenson, master of ceremonies took over and introduced the program pro-gram numbers as follows: Warren P. Kirk accompanied by Miss Carol Car-ol Smith sang "Because" and the "Anniversary Song". Irwin Jensen played an organ solo, and Mrs. Robert Monson gave a reading. Toast to the bride was offered by Bishop A. A,. Gillman. and Don Pocock of Tooele toasted the Continued on Page 8 NICELY ARRANGED RECEPTION HONORS NEWLYWEDS Continued from Page 1 groom. Dancing to the music of Howard Paxman's orchestra completed com-pleted the evening's festivities. . Guests were received at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Ardie Adams and . ' Mr. and Mrs .Paul Adamson. The lovely gift display was cared for and arranged by the brides sisters, Mrs. Lloyd Peterson, Mrs. Russell Jacobs, and Mrs. Bert Kirkwood, while Misses Joyce Peterson, Ger-aldine Ger-aldine Adams and Norma Winters received the gifts at the door. Tasty refreshments were directed direct-ed by Mrs. Startup of Provo. In the dining room the following young ladies clad in formals served. Jeanne Roberts, Elene Jackson, Louise Armitstead and Betty Simper. Sim-per. The popular young couple were accompanied to the temple by their parents and Mr. and Mrs. Don Po-cock. Po-cock. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark, of Tooele, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson Pet-erson of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Ardie Adams. -. The newly weds are popularly known in their respective communities. com-munities. Mrs. Hammond served in the Marines during the war and her benedict also is an ex-service man. They are making their home in Logan where both are attending the USAC. ' , |