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Show $165,900 lei Building Permits issued Lasf Yeas' Bl ILDIXG PERMITS With a total estimated valuation of $165,900.00, 59 tuiilding permits were issued during the year 1947. according to the report made by Hoyt Shields, building inspector. There were 31 homes, 6 remodeling remodel-ing jobs, 16 additions to homes, 1 office building, 2 business houses, 2 garages, 1 service station. CEMETERY There were 46 burials in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery during dur-ing the year 1947, according to Harold S. Walker, city sexton. Mr. Walker reports that of this total number 11 deaths were in the city and 35 from outside the city. 19 of this number, (46) were living in the city at the time of death and 27 were living in other communities. Along with the current facts. Mr. Walker furnished some historical histor-ical data, the records of burials in the community. Pleasant Grove Cemetery was started in 1S53. The first burial we have records of was Phylinda Clark, who died January 19, ISHp. Richard Clark was buried in 1S54 and Jonathan Lewis Harvey on November 2, 1851. The record was burned in the old church, in February, 1871. up to and including 18S5. a period of Z'l years. In 1SS6 there were 20 : burials. ' The average death rate from lSS to 1947 was 45 per year or a i total of 2755 burials in 61 years. FIRE DEPARTMENT The Pleasant Grove Fire Department Depart-ment answered 14 calls in the year 1947. 11 of them were in the city limits. The estimate of property involved involv-ed in these fires is $48,830.00, the estimated damage is $4020.00 There are 15 fireman in the department de-partment at the present time. For August, 3 of them attended the state fireman's convention at Rich- field. They were Richard Allred, Fire Chief, and W. R. Marrott and I Raymond Neilson. For October an inspection was j made by members of the fire de-' de-' partment of all industrial build-I build-I ings, business buildings, schools, and churches. Suggestions were t made as to how to overcome any ! fire hazards that might exist. I ! LIBRARY ! Seven thousand four hundred & ! six books and 702 magazines were j circulated to the people of Pleasant i Grove during the year 1947. accor-i accor-i ding to Mrs. Beulah Bradley, city librarian. Books numbering 36 16 I were loaned to adults, and 3760 1 loaned to children. The report also shows that there I are a total of 11,000 books in the j library. I During the year there were 69 j books presented to the library, and 162 new books and 19 current mag-I mag-I azines purchased. Thirty nine new cards were is-' is-' sued to adults and 7i new cards I issued to children. HEALTH Dr. B. C. Linebaugh, health officer of-ficer of Pleasant Grove City in his annual report states: The health of Pleasant Grove has been unusually good for the entire year 1947. Quite a number of children chil-dren have been absent from school during the past two months due to Chicken Pox and Mumps. The more severe infections and contagions con-tagions have been few in number and relatively mild. We have had some crowding in the school and in our homes the past year, but in general, the health has been exceptionally good, thanks to better water, better milk, better garbage disposal, and better medication for control of infections. DOG TAX A total of $702.00 vas collected in 1917 in dog taxes, according to the annual report made to the city j officials by Hoyt Shields, dog tax collector. Taxes were collected on 220 dogs, and the report shows that 88 dogs were disposed of during the year. JI STIC ES C'Ol"RT There were 131 convictions, and ! 3 dismissals and a total of $1222.00 were collected in fines in the Pleas- ant Grove City Justices Court dur-I dur-I ing the year 1947, according to the , report. There were only three civil actions in the Justices court during the year, which shows that tne people presiding in this city are very agreeable and have few com-I com-I plaints against their neighbors. |