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Show I ;-; O' . " " . . : 1 ;' : v r". ' - s 4 X : 'SMi5 J 1 1 Tmrrn-i- ' - . w. saSS.. -wMh DELAWARE WATER GAP . . . Along Route 611, southeast of Strouds-burg, Strouds-burg, Monroe county. From early spring until late autumn the Pennsylvania Pennsyl-vania hills are among the most beautiful In the world. By EDWARD EMERINE I WNU Features I "TENNSYLVANIA has rsomething for every-- body." It is more than a boast, more than a slogan. The Keystone Key-stone state is so varied in climate, cli-mate, scenery, industries and occupations that it defies articulate and coherent description. de-scription. Whatever your interests, in-terests, your plans, your ambitions am-bitions or hopes, listen to the story of Pennsylvania. Are you Interested In American history? Start at Independence hall In Philadelphia, the Cradle of Liberty. Lib-erty. Wander through the streets where Benjamin Franklin lived and worked and helped create a united nation. Or travel to Gettysburg where the greatest battle of the Civil war was fought. Visit Fort Necessity, near Uniontown, the scene of Washington's first battle, In 1754, when he was commander of the colonial troops. See the museum mu-seum at Valley Forge, formerly Washington's headquarters during that cold winter when the colonies' hope was at its lowest. Go to General Gen-eral Braddock's grave near Farm-ington, Farm-ington, or to the Old Blockhouse at Pittsburgh. Swing up to Erie to see the Niagara, Commodore Perry's Per-ry's flagship in the battle of Lake Erie In 1813. Mountains, Lakes, Forests. Vacation? Sports? First of alL you'll like the famous Pennsylvania Turnpike and the other smooth highways high-ways of Pennsylvania. There are mountains and valleys, rivers and streams. Pennsylvania has 200 sizable siz-able lakes for boating and water sports with Lake Erie thrown in for good measure! You'll find trout streams and lakes for fishing, and Mount Davis in Somerset county with Its 3,213 feet for you to climb. The "Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania" Pennsyl-vania" (Pine Creek Gorge) at Wellsboro, or Pymatuning lake and wild waterfowl refuge in Crawford county, should thrill you. There are picnicking and camping sites by the hundreds, old trails to follow, and 6,500 acres of virgin timber in Cook Forest state park. These are but a few; others can be found in every nook and corner of Pennsylvania's Pennsyl-vania's 45,000 square miles of beauty. Are you an Industrialist? Then originated by Penn and remain in the state constitution to this day. The United States was born on Pennsylvania soil. The articles of confederation were adopted in Philadelphia; Phila-delphia; the Declaration of Independence Inde-pendence was written ' and signed there; the treaty of peace which ended the Revolutionary war was ratified in that place, and later the constitution of the United States was formulated there. The Commonwealth has built Its industries largely on basic elements. ele-ments. It produces nearly half the steel of this nation, shipping it to all parts of the worldy The greatest metal production ever attained at one locality is at Pittsburgh. The bituminous coal annual output averages aver-ages approximately 100 million tons, while anthracite averages over 51 million tons. The Commonwealth produces high-grade petroleum, iron ore, pig iron, steel for rails and structural purposes, lime, slate and other metals and minerals. A list of products manufactured in Pennsylvania Penn-sylvania would fill a book! Traditionally progressive, the people peo-ple of Pennsylvania offer you a warm welcome to visit their state. Seeing is believing! you'll want to investigate the great coal fields, like those at Scranton, or look into Pennsylvania's billion-dollar billion-dollar textile business. The steel mills at Pittsburgh with their blast furnaces roaring should tingle your blood. And don't forget to see the site of Drake oil well, Trtusville, where petroleum, the black gold, was first struck In the United States. Everywhere you go you'll see a factory, fac-tory, a mine, a great industrial plant. You're a farmer? Lancaster county, coun-ty, Pennsylvania, ranks second in the United States in income from farm products! Just remember that the ' thrifty "Pennsylvania Dutch" knew how to till the land, and their grandchildren do too! Big barns, fine houses and well-tilled fields like those in Franklin county will tell you more than words. The Pennsylvania Penn-sylvania landscape Is dotted with farms and the big city markets are right at hand. Pennsylvania farmers do not have to ship long distances to find a place to sell their crops, their livestock, poultry or dairy products. The Commonwealth leads in the production of buckwheat. Other important im-portant crops are winter wheat, rye, oats, corn, potatoes, tobacco, apples, ap-ples, peaches, pears and grapes. Many Colleges, Universities. Schools? The institutions of higher high-er education include the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, founded in 1740; Washington and Jefferson in Washington, founded in 1780; Pennsylvania State college; University of Pittsburgh; Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh; Pitts-burgh; Lafayette college, Easton; Lehigh university, Bethlehem; Temple Tem-ple university, Philadelphia; Buck-nell Buck-nell university, Lewisburg; DicRin-son DicRin-son college, Carlisle; Franklin and Marshall college, Lancaster; Allegheny Alle-gheny college, Mcadville; Duquesne college, Pittsburgh; Grove City college, col-lege, Grove City; Haverford college, col-lege, Haverford; Swarthmore college, col-lege, Swarthmore. There are 14 colleges col-leges for women, including Bryn Mawr. Lincoln university and Chey-ney Chey-ney training school for teachers are for Negroes. There are 13 state teachers 'colleges and 7 junior colleges! col-leges! Pennsylvania (Penn's Woods) was named for William Penn, the founder of the province. His charter char-ter was granted by Charles II in 1681. The terms, "Commonwealth" and "General Assembly," were 3 if' "I IV',' - I ' -I - " - s Iff I i EDWARD MARTIN Governor of Pennsylvania A native Pennsylvanlan, Gov. Edward Ed-ward Martin has had a brilliant military, business and political career. ca-reer. Governor Martin has been state auditor, state treasurer and adjutant adju-tant - general of Pennsylvania, as well as prominent in insurance, banking and oil interests. BUCKHILL FALLS ... In the heart of the Pocono, Monroe county. J$tj n... e Y Q R K : I f 1$t CORN-PLANTER S . I f f ' fisC-y I1V0IAN f I EST VIRGINIA I "'R' A R" V LAlD " 4? i . " w." . ' ' -i , : 1 , - ' : "r - . - Uctlysburg Battlrlirld, I -j ' Adams County, Pennsylvania. L... ...... . . . . ... .L ..' .'A |