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Show Hospital Nott Ti r tg nar fices i Mrs. Reba Booth of Alpine. ie war a patient at the hospital. timi .ember Reed Orton of Pleasant G. lminS receiving care at the hospit !mes 1 lowing an operation. . ' 0 1. Ma "e resf Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tte sing re the parents of a fine baby K When at the hospital June 15. iere pi imcs t Mr. and Mrs. Sterling B: 1,1 be ham announce the birtii of 3 le Higl the hospital June 12. ake oi irs. ar Mrs. Thirell Cook of Men' !elcl'izs derwent an operation at the f s tal recently. ,!?' 1 ittee, ( .. eligion Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Benne.- pine are the parents of a te born June 17 at the hospital- Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cr;- Orcm are announcing the b:: daughter, at the hospital J- Mrs. Madge Craeder undof' Touin; operation Monday. ty toin ons ar( |