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Show DAUGHTERS OF UTAH PIONEERS WILL MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Pion-eers will hold their meeting on Wednesday, January 26th at three o'clock P. M. at the home of Mrs. Lucille S. Walker. Mrs. Mary Neves will give a short biographies of her pioneer ancestors. Mrs. Neves claims the distinction of having 12 pioneer ancestors. She will give histories of four grand parents, Grandfather Grand-father Isaac Van Wagner Carling and her Grandmother Esenath Browning Carling, early pioneers of Orderville, and Grandfather Warren Mashall Johnson and Grandmother Samantha Nelson of Lee's Ferry, and short sketches of eight others. Music will include two piano solos by Mrs. Elda Neves Sterner of Layton, two piano duets by Mrs. Roy Harper and Mrs. Dona Xeves Radmall. Two vocal solos, Memories and the Wyoming State song, by Mrs. Marie Brown, acompanied by Mrs. Neves. Ezra F. Walker, a pioneer will be- a special guest, and will be paid a tribute in honor of his 85th birthday anniversary which will occur on January 25th. Following the program luncheon lunch-eon will be served. |