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Show Jos. 13. Adams Honored On Birthday Anniversary The family of Joseph H. Adams entertained their father with a very lovely program and dinner at the Alpine Grill Saturday night in honor of his 82nd. birthday anniversary. anniv-ersary. The program consisted of, Prayer Pray-er by Ruel Adams, a sketch of his life by Evelyn Robbins, a piano solo by Donna Richards, accompan ied by Mildred Dyer, a reading by Roena Clark, violin solo by Shirley Shir-ley Richards accompanied by Mildred Mil-dred Dyer, several vocal duets by Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Allen accompanied accom-panied by Mrs. Taylor Allen. Mr. Charles A. Robbins was master of ceremonies and kept the crowd in a happy mood by telling jokes during dur-ing the meal. Mr. Adams gave a few remarks after which commun- j ity singing of America and God Be with You Til We Meet Again concluded con-cluded the evenings entertainment, which was declared by all to be a grand success. Those present were, the honored guest, Joseph H. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams, George Adams, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Robbins, Roena Clark, Mrs. Pearl Judd of Oakley, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins Robb-ins and daughter Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dexter,.! Atr nd, Mra Clyde Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Robins, Miss Colleen Robbins, Miss Roena Judd, Mr. Wesley Fillerup, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Olsen, Miss Effie Nesbit of Salt Lake, Mrs. Mildred Dyer, Misses Shirley and Dona and Lucile Richards of American Am-erican Fork, and Merrill Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Allen and Mrs., Taylor Allen of Vineyard. , Mrs. Pearl Judd arrived in Pleasant Grove Saturday morning ! from Oakley, Idaho to visit her father and other relatives and to be on hand for her father's birthday. birth-day. This is the first time in many years that she has been here on that day. She returned to her home Tuesday morning by bus. |