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Show ALL AMERICAN REALTY 1 1 5 EAST CENTER PLEASANT GROVE TELEPHONE 785-3528 374-5038 LENY 373-5289 BEV 785-2775 BILL 785-4261 PLEASANT GROVE 4-Bedroom Frame $14,450 FAIRVIEW 2-Bedroom Frame $ 8,500 PLEASANT GROVE 3-Bedroom Frame $12,900 LINDON 4-Bedroom Brick $27,900 PLEASANT GROVE 1 -Bedroom Brick ..... $ .8,000 AMERICAN FORK 2-Bedroom Alum. Siding . $13,300 PLEASANT GROVE 2-Bedroom F7ame $10,750 AMERICAN FORK 3-Bedroom Brick $19,200 PLEASANT GROVE 3-Bedroom Brick $24,500 AMERICAN FORK 5-Bedroom Brick $24,900 MANILA 2-Bedroom Frame $12,500 PLEASANT GROVE 3-Bedroom Brick $25,000 PLEASANT GROVE 3-Bedroom Home $19,900 m i in --1. 1 - i .ft ft. b. It. Z, d) r - ! n , JjJ CIVILIZATION'S DISEASE DENTAL CARIES (Cavities) Z 1 1 Fermentable carbohydrate foods with a high i' sugar sucrose content are believed to be tie chief cause of producing dental caries. Cutting down on i. sweets and other sucrose-containing snacks is one i of the first rules of dental heolth education. "2 Strengthening the hard glossy outside enamel of the tooth is also important, and this is helped by the fluoridation of drinking woter. )r The next preventive measure is in reducing, by !w . vigorous brushing, the amount of dental plaque that accumulates at the base of teeth and gum J BP junctions. Dental Caries start underneoth this plaque. ; y " The brushing also helps to eliminate inflammation of the gums and reduce calculus which could lead '?. to disease of the gums. We carry o complete stock 'V y of dental aids. .Z. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US "B when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly jS. !i' without extra charge. A great many people rely " on us for their health needs. We welcome requests for delivery service ond charge accounts. ' ( TELEPHONE 785-3585 A STORY PHARMACY f ' PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS W 76 SOUTH MAIN PLEASANT GROVE j; Tim l mmmfrmmm mm mmm p y rmmm- M PAINTER. DECORATOR. Modern, Mod-ern, Antique, Color Styling, Expert Service, R. E. Remmek Dh. 785-3935. tf EXPERT SEWING Dresses, Children's Clothes, etc., 275 East Cenlr, Apt. 5, Pleasant Grove. F 11 NEW 2-Room Furnished Apt. for Rent, Beautiful view, all utilities paid, Single person or LDS Couple, $90. 785-3676. F 11 WASHER, DRYER and Range Repairing. Experienced guaranteed guar-anteed service. You pay only for work done on your appliance appli-ance - no separate service call charge. Most work done in your home, so please call before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m. 768-3018, Lehi. - Wallace Banks. F 18 3 "SHARESPROVO Reservoir Water for Sale, Full water right, $250 a share. Mrs. W. A. Tomlinson, 255-5032. F 18 1966" FORD FAIRLANE for Sale, 1966, must sell, $850 Phone 785-2954. F 11 WHITE CLOVER HONEY (60 lb. can $11.50) and Bio-degradeable Bio-degradeable Soap (18 to 12 cup per load, 100 lbs. at $15, for non enzyme and $16 for enzyme). en-zyme). A Boy Scout Project, Call 785-3376. F 18 INCOME TAX $3.00 and Up, Bring this ad in for additional $1.00 Off. 69 East Main, A.F., Phone 756-6045. F 25 RIDE WANTED to Trade Tech, share expenses, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. call 785-4555, Tom Ray F 1- INSURANCE SERVICE Fire. Auto, Commercial or any Casualty Line. Call or See ui for Prices. Atwood Realty & ns 785-2661. t LATE MODEL FORD Engines for Sale, 390, 289, 292. C & H Automotive, 460 E. State, 785-9075. 785-9075. tf RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, Call Bruce Bezzant, 785-3883 or Robert Sutch, 785-2269. tf BEST QUALITY Household It-ems It-ems made by the Blind. Wedding gifts, birthdays, showers, show-ers, misc. gifts. Workshop for the Blind representative Mrs. Thomas Ray, 463 E. 200 N., hone 785-4555. tf FOR SALE Good Mountain Topsoil; Slag for Driveways, 'Cat" Work. ph. Don Devey, 756-2112 or Dave Devey, 756-1087. 756-1087. ti TV AND RADIO SERVICE -Fast, reliable service, reas. nnable vates All parts and la bw guaranteed. Finest quality New Color and Black and Whiuj T.V.s and Radios for sale. Ph. Norrran Healey, at 756-4680 in American Fork. tf LeVOY'S presents Modesty and Quality. Beautiful Lingerie and at-home fashions. Also lovely Temple Dresses. Phone Arlene Sorenson, 785-3768. tf REMODELING by Building Contractor, Aluminum or Steel Patios or Carports, Aluminum Alum-inum Siding and Awnings. 756-3846 756-3846 or 225-7708. Bob Luck. Jtf IF carpets look dull and dreary remove spots as they appear with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Radmall Hardware, Hard-ware, P.G. F 11 HOW CAN A DECENT GIRL be Popular? Carole Jewkes offers class with vocal beauty and personality tips, opportunity opportun-ity to advance to unique vocal group, Call 785-2695. F 11 HOME FLOUR MILLS for Sale "Magic Mill", free demonstration, demon-stration, free batch of flour, no obligation, ph. 785-3369. tf WEANER PIGS for Sale, $9, $9.50; 60-lb. Feeder Pigs, $15; Also have 1 registered Duroc Weaner Boar and 1 registered Sow Weaner, $40 each. Dean Olsen, 940 E Main, A.F. 756-2089. 756-2089. F 11 INCOME TAX in the convenience conven-ience of your home. Guaranteed returns. Ask about our instant refund. 785-3401 or 225-8030. Bill Edwards. A 8 NSURANCE COST Too Much? Call Clive Beck or see him at 139 E 2nd So. Ph. 78-2172. PI. Grove Agent for Farmers Ins Group. A 11 lines of insurance, tf LICENSED BABY SITTER Would like to tend pre-school children in my home. 785-2280 tf GUITAR LESSONS Leon Anderson, An-derson, ph. 785-2606. tf BABY SITTING in My Home, by Day or Week, Phone 785-3289. 785-3289. M 11 WILL DO IRONING IN MY HOME, Also Quilting. 585 So. 3rd East, Pleasant Grove, 785-2446. 785-2446. tf PIPE THAWING Dave and Don Devey, latest equipment Also Slag products, ph. 756-2112 756-2112 or 756-4087. F 25 LaVOY'S Give her a gift as lovely as she is, and will last for years. Fine lingerie, at home fashions and Temple Dresses. Rosemary Carter, 435 East 3rd South, PI. Grove, ph. 785-3874. tf SLAG, TOPSOIL, SAND and Gravel for Sale, Back Hoe Work, Call John W. Roundy, 7854096. tf TPEWR1TER and ADDING MACHINE RENTAL & REPAIR RE-PAIR SERVICE Priday's Office Of-fice Supply, 756-4471 Am. Fork. tf JArCEE CLUB HOUSE fox Rent, remodeled. For partiel and reunions, ph. 785-2109 o-785-2638. V KEN CARDON INSURANCE Phone 756-3851. U HATCH JEWELRY 33 W MaHs Am. Fork. REG. WATCH cleaned, $6.95; guaranteed re pairs. Your Bulova, Wyler, El gin, and Caravelle dealer; Art Carved Diamond Rings, written guarantee; Off on trophien and engraving. DOUBLE HORSE TRAILER for Rent. Ph. 785-2748. Also Horses for Sale. Reed Orton. tf HORSES for HIRE by Appointment Only REED ORTON Special All-Day Rates r Rent by Week or MjCj. Phone 785-2748. '46 DODGE PICKUP for Sale. Runs good, ph. 785-2280 F 11 3-BEDROOM HOME for Sale, finished full basement, double garage, 190 N. 200 E. Pleasant Grove, 785-4582. F 11 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC Range for Sale, with rotissary. Very clean cond., 785-3725 or 225-5745. 225-5745. F 18 KEEP your carpets beautiful despite constant footsteps of a busy family. Get Blue Lustre Rent carpet shampooer $1. Ben Franklin Store. F 11 REDUCE Safe and fast with GoBese Tablets and E-Vap "water pills" Story Pharmacy. A 1 STORY & CLARK Console Piano Pi-ano and HOME ORGAN, this area. Take over small monthly payments. For more details, write Credit Manager, Box 6179 Sugar House Station, Salt Lake , City, Utah. F 25 CARPETING and Upholstered i'urniture Cleaned, Expen Service. Call 756-4856. A.F. tf GOOD USED CARPET for Sale, approx. 50 yards, installed in-stalled over new pad, $2.95 per yard; Also 40 gal. gas glass lined water heater, used Wi. years, $30. Ph. 785-4342 after 7 p.m. F 11 APARTMENT 2-Bedroom Duplex for Rent, Also 1-Bed-roos Apt., furn., no smokers. 420 N. 1st East, ph. 785-3986. tf '59 CHEV PICKUP, Vi ton, for Sale, $150. Prospective buyers buy-ers call 785-3111, Review office. Owner call Review, lost your identity. F 18 Vz H.P. MOTOR for Sale, re-versible, re-versible, 110-220, 785-2394. F 18 BUILDING LOTS for Sale -East Grove Estates - Nathaniel Nath-aniel Drive Contact Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove Realty, 785-4121 or Grant Loader, 785-2109. tf 50 GAL. TRASH BARRELS for Sale, $3.50. Help keep P.G. Beautiful. Ph. 756-3031, Steve Murdock. We will deliver, tf WEDDING DRESSES for Rent Zabrisk 'e's. ph 785-3456. ti HAY FOR SALE, Phone 785-3992, 785-3992, Carl Smith. tf ROOFING - Quality work on all types of Shingle & Shake Roofs. Draper Roofing, Phone 785-2992 or 785-4121, P.G. tf CUSTOM HAULING, Cattle or any type livestock, 785-4309. tf SLIM-GYM, Easiest Method of Exercise Contact Beverly Wagner, 160 West 9th North, P.G. Ph. 785-4560. tf COMPLETE SERVICE for All Makes Color AV, Radio, Stereo, Ster-eo, BW TV. SUPERIOR TV SERVICE, 338 East State, A.F. 756-3881. Vee Warenski- owner and manager, Try our new system sys-tem of Service. tf HAVE A HOME OR Property you want Sold? Contact Grant Loader, PI. Grove Realty, 785-4121 785-4121 or 785-2109. tf COPIES MADE 10 Cents each Legal work, Genealogy, Business. Bus-iness. 45 West Main, Lehi, Ph. 768-2624. tf INCOME TAX IN YOUR HOME Garth Gillman Local Tax Counselor Telephone 225-5385 SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE Nation's Largest Computerized Tax Service AOERicnn fouk's !: BEST BUYS 1965 Chevrolet Impola 4-Dr. H. T. 1 1 V-8, power steering, automatic transmission. , $795 : '', 1964 Ponriac Station Wagon i 1 1 V-8, power steering. 1 1 $495 ;i 1963 Chev Belaire 4-Dr. Sedan :; o V8, automatic transmission, power steering. (1 :: $550 ! 1959 Ford Vi Ton Pickup V-8 engine, 4 speed transmission. $495 :: 1964 Chevrolet Vt Ton Pickup ' ' 6 cylinder, 4 speed transmlssioa. 1 ' $895 ;i 1968 Chevrolet 3A Ton Pickup , V-8, 4 speed transmission, heavy duty bumper, , , 1 1 camper wiring. i $1895 1970 Ford Bronco Sports Wagon ' t V-8 engine, free running front hubs. , , $3095 " THI-eiTY FOHD 1 1 Fhone 755-3588 , , 190 East Main American Pock J Vergil Peterson 75tV-47TT Doug Nash 75-6529 ( Merrill Preston 7M-34 Daryl Dan wilder 798-3851 i Renew Your Subscription Now PHILLIPS 460 Eas state Road j vV ! Pleasant Grove ! Viy Telephone 785-9075 "inspection STICKER NO. 2 MOWDUE PLEASANT GROVE 66 Call 785-9075 for FREE Pickup and Delivery WEDDING SPECIALIST and General Photo Work KEITH O. GRAMES Photographer 558 East Center 785-2189 Pleasant Grove |