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Show Many Local Problems are Discussed With City Council Several citizens were in attendance at-tendance at the city council meeting ot express their opinion opin-ion on local matters relative to location of trailer courts, business licenses, and home construction, Tuesday evening. The city fathers held their regular meeting Tuesday, Feb. 16, because of Monday being a holiday. Mayor Cook presided and all members were present except Michael VicchrUli and Marvin Green, who were excused. ex-cused. Stephen Frampton, city animal ani-mal control officer, was present pres-ent at the meeting, and was given the oath of office. Mayor Cook read a petition from a group of citizens protesting pro-testing the proposed mobile home court and camping site to be located at 100 East and 700 North. Mayor Cook also read another petition protesting protest-ing the establishment of a trailer trail-er court in the area of 500 South and 400 East. The council discussed these petitions and a report was given on the public meetings which were held two weeks ago by the planning commission. com-mission. Mayor Cook stated that when final decision is reached the. feelings and pro- tests of the citizens will be given giv-en every consideration. Clive Beck of the Strawberry Days Association, Inc. met with the council to encourage plans and action for improvements improve-ments at the rodeo grounds. Mr. Beck expressed his concern con-cern about having the rodeo grounds renovated and steel grandstands with a roof constructed. con-structed. The council assured Mr. Beck they favor this type of longe range program, but at the present time the city lacks sufficient funds to enter into this type program. Merrill Hone met with the council and discussed the city policy of charging business licenses. li-censes. He felt that this license was unfair to the businessman. The council told Mr. Hone that a form of business license is used by most cities as a means of generating revenue for the general fund, and that this money is much needed in PL Grove. They felt that with the new 1 business license passed last year, that it will put an equal distribution on all those businesses in town. Mayor Cook then asked Mr. Hone to serve as a member of the business busi-ness license committee to study the license and make recommendations. recom-mendations. Mr. Hone also proposed that the city deed back to the Hone family the roadway which they had deeded to the city for the proposed road to be located at (Continued on page 6) City Council (Continued from page 1) 650 South east from 300 East. The council felt that this would not be in the best interests for future land development in this area. Dale West and others met with the council to discuss possible pos-sible building of a home or homes in the northeast part of the city. The council stated that the problems of building in this area is that at this time there are no designated streets into the area, no utilities and that other city services could not be provided. The council encouraged the Wests to present pre-sent their problem to the planning plan-ning commission and board of adjustment at their next regular regul-ar meeting. Mayor Cook requested that a new city seal be purchased, as the old one is worn out and difficult to see. The council, authorized this purchase. Bids were open or the new truck to be purchased for the Water and Sewer Dept. The Council approved the bid submitted sub-mitted by Gene Harvey Chevrolet Chev-rolet of American Fork. Mayor Cook read a letter from Alpine School District setting forth the arrangement by which the school district will cooperate with the city in the city recreation program. The council recommended that this be given to Councilman Marvin Green for study and recommendation . Mayor Cook read a report from Fred Keetch, Fire Chief, which reported the activities of the department for 1970. Mayor Cook reported that a meeting was held in Salt Lake City today where the representatives repre-sentatives from HUD talked to the governor relative to the locating lo-cating of regional areas in the state to assist in the obtaining of HUD grant-in-aids. The meeting meet-ing appeared to have been a success, which will mean the city's application for a grant-in-aid for the proposed water project will be given final con- sideration at this time. Paul Blackhurst reported on the bridge improvement over the canal at 100 North. Cost of the project would be approximately approx-imately $2,400. The council requested re-quested that Councilman Blackhurst Black-hurst check with the Bureau of Reclamation to see if they will participate in the repairs. A report of the activities of the Planning Commission was presented by Councilman Vich-rilli, Vich-rilli, and read by Mayor Cook. The report concerned itself in the main with people requesting request-ing construction of multiple dwelling units. These were presented pre-sented to the council with the Planinng Commission recommendations. |