Show Is There Pollution What do cancer and pollution have in THEY ARE related parts of a complex social problem-one which has no simple That's the nub of what a leading cancer authority at The Salk Institute near Sun Diego had to say THE Dr who works with cancer wasn't suggesting that hard laboratory research isn't necessary to stamp out for further research is certainly needed if wc are looking for cancer cince we must learn very much about cellular II we are looking for we need money for developing vaccines against cancer viruses which infect the body from the BUT Dulbecco also points to research by others that has clearly demonstrated that cancer can be caused by chemicals permeating our lung cancer in non-smokers is more frequent in the cities than in the he inhabitants of the Mississippi whose drinking water is highly have three times more bladder cancers than inhabitants of neighboring Thus we can truly say that pollution is the cancer of our Dulbecco believes that the high incidence of cancer-it is the second most frequent cause of death in the United States-is contributed to by factors that have nothing to do with science or but are social and political in People dread for good People's emotional reactions to cancer attract the attention of by voting large sums for cancer have the opportunity to demonstrate concern for the common THIS attention isn't so much misdirected as it is Real progress in alleviating cancer might be achieved by combining scientific research with major educational and some hard-hitting |