Show rS HOULD POL IGAL BE Es EASIER according foj the I 1 taxpayers taxpayer rs association 22 bill have been introduced in the states legislature which if passed will empower political subdivisions to issue bond with out submitting thern them pular vote bote the bills the association Asio clation adds would authora au thorl agthe issuance of revenue bonas bonds A lof pur poses running aalthe all the way from sew ac wage a abd A jeffis to construction of homes j this trend is not limited to california in all states legisla f t tures have shown a tendency to seek easy ways of borrow aj ing money when they ahey succeed lt n tj ly b aisy engulf enough h to bor row the money if the states credit is in fal fairly aly food shape put lut it is extremely hard for fortha fort the hc taxpayers to pay pack the loan loana plus ilus interest Inter esc cheh it comes due the rhe special assessment for ex j ample has been the bane of Oro property aro perty owners for year levied t as it usually is without authorization it has piled up debt burdens which many bus bjes ness and home biome owners owner s affected ara re utterly unable to te pay the fhe public should see to it that political borrowing is made hard er r not easier it if bonds are vitally seeded for a worthy project projects the he voters may be trusted J to 0 o endorse their issuance and A it f it Is necessary to deprive the oter sotir of his right to pass on a aj an 10 cissne in order to yet get by it t may inay bo be taken for granted that hat the project is irry arry almost every political subdivision in the country from the he smallest county to the fedral ral government itself gives witness to the folly of indis criminate issuance of bonds hundreds lund reds of millions of dollars of if bonds ari are outstanding in this country auntry which were issued for political or other wise vise uny unworthy orthy purposes and the he harassed taxpayer must he dig down deeper each year t pay ay his share of their thair cost fhe state of california now has a i constitutional provision mak j ing ae it necessary for or a two thirds minority of the voters to ap prove rove a bonds issue that pro as vision ion should 4 be retained and ither states would do well to adopt adept similar i r safeguards against waste of their hard earned tox te aw J |