Show STAKE SWARM DAY swarm day for all ail the bee hive girls of junction circleville Cir cleville and kingston wards was held field at junction on tuesday evening with the following program cheer song byall by all swarms prayer etta B neilson hone money gathers song by all swai swarms IC cell ell 17 story of how come come ye saints was written by irene barnson 2 12 1 2 minute talk arethea whittaker diet phylis haycock clone clohe dalton the story of settling kingston by dawn allen alien I 1 call by tile the honey gathers of junction the bee hive plan by vilate anderson cell cell story of the national anthem and salute to the flag by bythe the builders of circleville Cir cleville call of womanhood by junction dramatization of the spirit of the hive by the honey gathers of junction good night song by all swarms cells health first aid demonstrations and dance by builders of junction taps by all swarms benediction by christa brown the program 1 was very well given and those who did not attend were the ones who missed so realy worth while 1 there were 11 girls front from circle ville 2 from 1 kingston 15 from junction ali who took parts 8 girls graduated as follows I 1 vi vilate late anderaon And ereon lela moore alelia Al elba ance ice helen barnson ahl ene zabriskie erma christ shi ma f Mangum ma and areli trelma na 4 ba arl 1 7 editor hector T evans ol oj ogden who has edited papers in Cast ledale price grace idaho and layton utah now proprietor tor of the express printing company of ogden accompanied by his son H R evans was a caller at the news office on Mond ayThey were returning home from a trip jo to bryce canyon where mr evan had taken faken his son noble evans back to the C C C camp after noble had spent a short time vi vis ting his parents in ogden edwin E bay was brought home from the mountain where he wi a 8 employed suffering with wit a a sevier nevii r hem orage he bled 15 hours aunt lizzie was successful in stopping the flow of blood before the dr arrived he became so dan dangerously ill that his son lawrence of koosharem Koo sharem was sent for but at the present writ ting seems some improved mrs bay was put to bed suffering from shock and because of a bad heart her cond itkor quite serious Weare we are glad to report that they are both some what improved because of ahe illness of mr and mrs B by bay ay it has as been n impossible im farour type setters etta B neilson and christa brown their daughters to come to work during all of last week and part of this hence our lateness in getting the paper out for ye editor might get by as an editor but darned it if she can make the garabr as a very speedy t type ype setter 1 |