Show reindeer on rampage owing to intense cold ito in thousands of reindeer were driven south couth in search otwood as the mo muss upon which they feed had b been een frozen over to such a deil depth til that the file poor animals hid had been unable to tn break through hie file ire fee at mid i ld ret get nt at it the La to shinn maan mean so much were in despair desp nir and thou though 7 h they did their otin chev jhc thc mild could not prevent the lim limery gry vulli alle from ring for fir find ot ci from rom crossing lie N darles if 11 tn the farj att ais of nf icv me reindeer were tnt with W v 5 r it ili riot poi twell beell fut fur I 1 I 1 n I 1 T on arx J C |