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Show PTTJTF3 Litter Bedding Oklahoma Girl Affects Manure HIGH-PRODUCIN- : COW IS FAVORED Costs More to Feed but More Than Makes It Up. Ohio, with the sixth largest number of dairy cows among the important ' dairying states, supports more than d of a million cows kept for milking purposes than are actually needed to produce the same volume of milk and butterfat now being obtained. This is the conclusion from statistics on the dairy industry of the state and on the performance of the g 9,171 cows of herds in associations. Ohio has approximately 926,000 - cows and heifers two years old and over. Average production of milk is about 4,500 pounds per cow per year. Average production of butterfat is about 160 pounds per year. .But the 9,171 cows In the cow testing assocl-ation- s averaged. a production of 7,451 pounds of milk and 315 pounds of butterfat in 1927. If that had been the average for all the cows in the state, only about 566,000 cows would have been needed to produce the same quantity of milk, and only 470,000 to . produce the same weight of butterfat. That presupposes that the quality of all cows in the state, and their care and management, were kept at the same standard as those of the cows in the cow testing associations. Looking at it In another way, if all the cows in the state were brought to the same standards of productivity as those of the cows In the associations, the milk flow in Ohio would amount - to nearly seven billion pounds a year Instead of only a little more than four billion. And the butterfat produced would total more than 292,000,-00- 0 pounds Instead of 148,000,000 pounds. Charts and records of feeding, kept in the cow testing associations, show that It costs more to feed the cow, but that Increased cost Is far below the proportionate gain. one-thir- cow-testin- high-produci- Best Roughage for Milk , Cows During the Winter . ' ' The best roughage for milk cows in the winter is a mixture of legume hay and some kind - of succulent material such as silage or roots. Alfalfa hay is one of the best hays for feeding. . to milk, cows, although clover, soy bean hay and others belonging to that family give excellent results. Corn silage is perhaps as common a feed as Is available for supplying succulence, although mangels, carrots and sugar beets are also If legume hay and such excellent succulent feeds as were mentioned are not available, cane hay, Sudan hay and millet hay will give reasonably good results. When a nonlegume hay such as the three just mentioned Is fed it will be necessary to make up the protein In the grain mixture. That will necessitate the use of some high protein concentrate such as linseed oil meal, cottonseed meal, gluten meal, soy bean oil meal, peanut meal or coconut meal. Start Dairy Industry ,by Using Dairying, as with other forms of live stock production, is not a thing which should be promoted. ventures usually result from promotion and rapid expansion. It Is growing, and the use of good bulls, got d postures, and good feeds are excellent steps on which to build for the future.' A hickory grows slowly ; a castor bean grows rapidly. The hickory lasts from year to year and makes- atough and desirable wo d. The castor bean dies at the first touch of frost. The dairy industry started by the use of better bulls, grows like the hickory, slowly but and withstands cold, low Mo'iidiiy, pricps, and other discouraging Influences. . home-grow- Louise Alice was fretful, nervous and n all from run-dow- whooping cough, says Mrs. F. J, Kolar, 1730 West 22hd St., Oklahoma City, Okla. The little I could force her to eat wouldnt ever digest She became underweight, sallow and weak. "Then I decided to try California Fig Syrup, and the results surprised me. Her bowels started working immediately, and in little or no time she was eating so she got to be a pest at the table, always asking ns to pass things. Her weight Increased, her color improved and she began to romp and play again like other children. Now shes the picture of health, and strong as a hoy. Pleasant-tastinpurely vegetable California Fig Syrup acts surely and quickly to cleanse your childs stomach and bowels of the souring waste that Is keeping her half-sicbilious, sallow, feverish, listless, weak and puny. But its more than a laxative. It tones and strengthens the stomach and bowels so these organs continue to act normally, of their own g, accord. Over four million bottles used a year shows Its popularity. Ask for it California Fig by the full name, Syrup, so youll get the genuine, endorsed by physicians for 50 years. For Cuts, Bums, Bruises, Sores Hanfords Balsam of Myrrh Itoair back for Brit botth If not nttad. AH lates an Incident that Is both amusing and peculiarly British. In backing Lis car into a parking space in London, he bumped into the car behind him and stove In the mudguard. Being in a hurry to keep an appointment, he did not wait for the owner of the car to return but poked his card into the steering wheel and went on his way. In due course of time he received the following letter from the owner of the damaged car: Dear Sir : 1 found your card in my car, stating that you had damaged the right-han- d front mudguard. I am only writing to tell you that the damage you have done to the mudguard has now made it the same as the other three, thus again balancing the design of the car. In face of this, I extend to you my apologies for causing you Los An any anxiety In the matter. geies Times. Eat Oysters to Music For tile first time in the history of the famous annual opening of the oyster season at Gloucester, England, the bivalves were swallowed to music this season. To encourage the guest to do so rhythmically, the mayor of Gloucester invited many distinguished musicians. including Sir Edward Elgar, Sir Henry Wood and Sir Hugh Allen, director of the Royal College of MuA special train took guests, sic. among them being the duke of Marlborough, Lord Birkenhead, the lord mayor of London and Signor Marconi, d tables. The innoto the vation was a success and will be tried again next year. rose-decke- total. Give Him Plenty of Rope Mrs. McPherson I caught the maid mating love to the Iceman again. You had better speak to her. n Mr. McPherson What? The when we still owe for last months Ice? lee-ma- To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try a Bayer Aspirin for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago 1 And theres no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children often infants. Whenever theres pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine Bayer Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. tablet. And too, in cases Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Both Naked The archdeacon of Nottingham was taking a fling at the younger generation. They are quite beyond me, he admitted, "and their lack of reverence is appalling. Very soon I think I shall have to put a sign on the door of the ministry reading: Aiplrln 1m the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Honoacetlcacldeater of SaUey&ndk Use InoverDaily all the world THOUSANDS of women have come to regard Cuticura as the true natural aid to a lovely skin and attractive hands and hair. Regular daily use of Cuticurm Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment "Men. take your hats off; No Use Shirking Trouble He who shirks the present trouble, raid HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, finds himself at a disadvantage as tie Is turned to face trouble with which be Is less familiar. Washing on Star. Here! Herel What was your fiance chatting about so gayly? Oh, nothing that yon should hear at your age, mother. Excelsior. Mexico City. en, womLos An- put your skirts on. geles Times. His No Puzzle to Him Mother And if you regularly and pay youll soon know as much teacher. Small Son I should now the book in front of me, like (London). school when required, purifies and beautifies the skin, cleanses the scalp and keeps the hair live and glossy. go to attention as your Soap 23c. Ointment 23c. and 30c. Talcum 23c Sample each free. , AtWrsj:"Cudcura," Dept. B6, Malden, Mass. Cuticura Shaving Stick tBt. If I had he has. The ptarmigan, a bird that lives in Tlt-Bl- ts It keeps some lazy people busy to invent excuses. lonely, high places, wears white plumage in winter and gray brown in The boundary between the United States and Canada la to be marked on all the international bridges the countries. bo-twe- Tests Show How Rains Rob Farms of Rich Soil . Tens of millions of dollars are being literally washed away in the rivers and streams of America through failure of farmers and other land owners to properly protect their lands from erosion, reports the Farm Journal. The rich surface soil, created by the accumulationeof vegetable matter for many centuries, is laid bare by plowing and deforestation, and within a few years is swept away by rains, e earth beleaving only the neath. HA experiment at the Missouri College of Agriculture shows that on a slope of 3.6 feet to soil left without any crops washes so rapidly that only 29 years are required to wear away the seven inches of surWith face soil, says the magazine. a rotation of corn, wheat and clover on the same land, 437 years would be required to move the surface seven inches, while on land left in sod continuously the time required to wash away the same seven Inches would be 3,547 years. Systematic terracing of such sloping ground, used in conjunction with regular cover crops, would make the life of the rich top soil almost interminable, it is pointed out. semi-steril- Sires Pure-Bre- d Straw is the bedding material almost universally used on the farm. It will absorb from two to three times Its weight of liquid. If the supply Is scanty, it will pay to cut the straw used as litter, for finely cut It will absorb about three times as much liquid as uncut. Dry sawdust and fine shavings can be recommended as clean and satisfactory bedding materials. Their absorptive capacity according to fineness and dryness is from two to four times that of ordinary straw. Not Injurious to Land. There Is a more or less general Impression among farmers that manure from stables and cow barns in which sawdust has been used as a litter is Injurious to the land. While we would not say that this suspicion may not have some foundation, we have never been able to discover a single instance of such injury and Inquiry has been made both in Canada and the United States in this matter, says the Farm and Home. Such Injury could only, occur on very light soils following very heavy applications. Most satisfactory evidence has been obtained from many farms upon which sawdust has been used as a bedding material for a number of years and upon which the soil is light and sandy. Naturally it is on heavy soils that this class of manure proves most effective. One word of cautioq is necessary. Horse manure from stables using sawdust heats very rapidly, especially if left in the pile, and the excessive fermentation that may take place will seriously injure the manure. Such manure should be mixed with that from the cow barn, which can readily be managed when manure carriers are installed and a manure spreader used. Mixed manure (horse and cowj may be handled in the same manner as that made with straw. The saturation of the sawdust with the liquid excreta promotes the ready decomposition of the litter under favorable conditions of temperature, and the best place for this to take place. In order that the full manurial effect may be obtained, is the soil. If the manure cannot be spread at once, the heap should be kept moist and compact, as in the case of manure made : with straw. Hardwood Sawdust Beat. The sawdust of hardwoods decompose more rapidly and further is richer in potash and phosphoric acid than that f of pines and conifers generally, but no harm due to resistance to decay need be feared from the use of the latter, provided that it Is not employed in larger quantity than is sufficient to absorb and retain the liquid excreta. . Should Be Affidavit This Story Go Boy Lieut. Col. R. C.With Fielding, D.S.O., re- - Strong as Dry Sawdust and Fine Shavings Are Clean and Satisfactory. v G rOTTNTY NEWS. JUNCTION, UTAH n The need of more economic and efficient production is quite apparent on every band. . The dJry farmer must cull out the low producing- cows from his herd and build for a greater production, for each cow through' keeping records of production, by using better sires, and by following tbebest- - methods in feeding, breeding and management. The same problems must he considered by the man nfactnror and distributor of dairy products. DsRnrnMMi THE MOST NOTABLE ASFMCQ IN DRIVING CONVENIENCE SINCE THE SEEFSTUITEXL Agricultural Notes Are Handy for Dairyman Cull Boarders mraffiEiHi-'inii- p 100-fee- t, ..New Electric Clippers A new electric clipper and groomer, operated somewhat on the principle- of a vacuum cleaner, has been Invented for the use of the dairyman who wishes to produce the cleanest milk possible with the least effort and expense. This device attaches to the milking machine vacuum pipe line and removes dirt, dust, germs, hair and filth which might get Into the milk and injure Us quality and purity. A similar device, but operated independently. by an electric motor Instead of the milking machine system, Is an other recent development that has proven Its ability to keep dairy cows clean economically. ' INTRODUCING TEE NETT Poor land abundant. If scarce where cows are A rich farm turneth off a yield ; hut grievous weeds usee up the plant food. , Greater Beauty langerWheel Besides canning, many vegetables may be stored in cellars for winter use. e Inthat commands your considerably lengthened. Theovercreased wheelbase, snubbers and fa expressed In the BEAUTY size balloon tires further enhance the Wuippets longer cars superb riding qualities. lines, higher radiator and hood, more distinctive Mechanically, the new Superic full crown colors, sweeping furthers a long lead over Whippet newest fenders establishing the style A new higher comcompetition. Sixes. motif for Fours and light gives more than 20 engine pression greatly inThe larger bodies of the new Superior ' added horsepower, with second ' Feed your pullets good grain mash and some cod liver oil if you want them to lay well all winter. e e e Concrete floors are sanitary and Inexpensive. They are fairly satisfactory when kept well bedded, . Whippet afford more epacibua inand elbow terior, with extra leg roomwider and room. Tho seat are heavily upholstered, and have formfitting contours. Both the front and rear springs of the new Superior Whippet have been creased speed! Higher gear peed gives faster pick-u- p. And this new car fa well qualified to carry on Whippets unsurpassed reputation for dependable performance and minimum operating coiti ORDER NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY known as commonly (sphagnum) makes admirable bedding; it is soft and absorbent Peat 8S&rt -- one-pie- ce The names of the legumes are as farmer useth strong towers: the wise ' them ftnd Is safe. Bodies base-lar- ger moss, moss-litte- r Farmers collect a lot of grief by planning their activities on the basis of what prices are when they start not v hat prices are likely to be when they are ready to go to market WILLYS-QVERLAN- DIM TOLEDO. OHIO t button, conveniently located In tht center of the steering wheel, controls all functions of starting the motor, operating tho lights and sounding the hom. This does away with all troublesome foot fumbling for tho starting button. It also avoids changing front the comfortable driving position to reach light switch on the dash. With the new Control, you can at all times Finger-Ti- p keep your hands on the wheel and your eyaa on the road an important aid to safety. A single Inc. D, .SifuS , |