Show hiemo sundays Sund nys salt ali i ar k y y ro reciting citing the the great yale university universia sit nt at new haven conn cann hod had bestowed lugli honors on five utah boys at the head of the list name of harry jacl jack kenyon of ma ry ho hecei received ved his dep ree as bath bachelor elor of science jauk as lie he is affectionately known to his friends here hen I 1 is the son san of mr aud aiels claude kenyon of lie wis was horn in the old hot hat d 1 the home of af liis his pi gi and ani troll pia I 1 mi s Marps marksville ville ay arc ud chrit one of her sons has achieved ph high a arc of thu the daun iou riby t ry S greater gr calear ancl extend beai liesl I 1 1 inn to jack und and to hit hia father tin iw t l mother the tribune erroneously crot liten jap jask it to salt ake laike lie he i is a pro product or the ton to an n is pr 0 1 I |