Show junction n roll e r aliff kingston kings ton ul ah yie junction isiler R auer mills of utah under the manage ment of A J bird richfield and W E hay of kingston wish to express lo 10 the people in tile the review of county there appreciation fop the support and trade they have received from this section tind and to toil tell of tha improvements they I 1 made in the last ten years or since they have taken the mill oyer in that they have added anew water wheel and power plant and have given the mill a com complete bete 0 overhauling nutting it p possible 1341 ble to give their patr much better grade of flour and increasing their capacity capa olty about three times they also have ins installed a fairbanks lighting system which has made it sible to iun both inight rind doyin daiy in the rush sea son they put out ahe well known B R P brand flour na as delpas all me fauni in 1114 ih modern mill they are booser for piute caunt y and we fire are glad tri to tell jell of the they jhc thc y haw have ande anae and are making what utah makes make utah |