Show BASE B A L L ta IN 0 T E S the pittsburgh pirates are rated by the lie talent to he be tile the best team in tile Nation til league based on paper strength laverne costello who nho was sent to little rock kock of the southern leape league but returned has been given ghen ills his unconditional release tn by milwaukee frank cash tie ace of the muskogee pitching staff lias fins heen been sold to denver of the western lati league ue for cash and pitchers and Mo monohan nollan amassing twenty five hits bits and beating boston 10 16 to 4 the pirates tools took first place in the national league race away from the giants on june 8 1921 san antonio has purchased outfielder ping nodle bodle from tile the wichita falls club ile he Is still able to hit hem a mile and Is regarded as a good c card ard A new type of baseball with a layer 0 of f india rubber wrapped around the crude rubber center Is 14 reported to have been used in the 1025 world series walter christeneen Chrls tengen tenEen has been male made malinger of the winston balem team for which lie has been playing second base W C irby lind had been handling the twins the veteran ti T d gather cather Is shortstop ping for enston aind doing a good job of it besides hitting flitting in excellent style buck hedog has made cather captein of the team larry lamole was the most graceful player placer in baseball hase bill and hans wagner the most akward a yet both are ranked among tile lie greatest in the history of the rame canie walter jacoway the former Ou ouachita achita collece star who alio made the tro mining ining trip with tile the cardinals tills this spring Is milking making a fine re record cord for the fort I 1 en smith twins jarrell wright texas collegian sent nt to reading heading by the athletics seems to be quite a pinch tilt hitter ter ile he delivered tile lie vOlin hig blow in two games alle nalle hutting batting for comrades J donk roberts roberta president of the texas league received official notice of his election to membership od on the nat national fonal board of arbitration in tile lie national association of baseball leves george davis dails the new tork york sity star atar signed by 1 the new york yank yankees ees tins lias tile the reputation of being one of if tile the best in college circles and tins has tilt hit consistently about the mark f A tour of the country by y a team co composed or of old lime ilac stare Is planned by the he professional baseball players fly association clation the proceeds will go to make up tip a fund to take care of needy players |