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Show .... PIUTE COUNTY NEWS. JUNCTION. UTAH t News "5 EAST BLIZZARD HEAVY SNOWS CHOK0 ROADS IN ENGLAND; RAIL TRAFFIC 18' DELAYED , Wyoming Rancher Finds Grasshopper; Montanan Takes Butterfly; Three Succumb To Cold In Chicago Oneco, Conn. Two pasenger and mail trains,, one .eaVtbound and the other westbound, and a snow plow bn Notes Its a Privilege Live 1 Utah to f POLICE ACT IN in T 500 Echoes of an unusual Washington. growing season in Utah in 1925 are heard in a report to the commissioner of reclamation on the Strawberry project, which showed a big increase in the best yield per acre over the year before. Notwithstanding the decreased acreage, the beet crop increased from $53,560 tons in 1924 to 61,208 tons in 1925, or an average increase per acre of from seven tons to MINERS WITH CLUBS WOMEN IN WOOLMILL STRIKE TRAMPLED SUB-DUE- Mob In Anthracite Field Is Dispersed Without Serious Trouble Being Made; Riot Guns Are Ready For Use. thirteen tons. Five hundred Penn. Scranton, men coming from Dunmore, Throop Salt Lake City. Th January proand other points in the upper valley the WiIlafoette:Ph)vince branch .of duction in the Second Utah created excitement here when they the New Haven railroad, have been Egg Laying contest continon two anthracite coal wash-erle- s marched stalled in a huge snowdrift at Coven- ued to be good but does not equal the in this city to stop them from try, R. I., twelve miies east of this January production of last year.- - The operating. town. Drifts from twelve to fifteen average production of each of the pulDetails of city police and deteo-fivefeet high had filled a cut in that town lets in the contest for January was with riot guns succeeded in disand the trains were unable to force 15.2 eggs and an average for the first their way through.' Passengers walk- three. months of 41.4 eggs, which is persing the men, many of whom carany serious ed a mile and a half to the nearest an average of only egg for ried clubs, without trouble. of coal were Two truckloads each pullet more than the first station. in miners their march the dumped by production of last year. There here. Bitter cold followed on are still six pullets in the contest that , New York the heels,' bf a second blizzard iti a do not have a single egg to their Garfield, N. J. Several women week that buried northeastern United. credit, two others with a record of were one six and other pultrampled upon in the first clash egg two-only each, Sthtes hndbr ' feet of snow, took of the three weeks strike of 7203 to five of two with lets records eggs sixteen lives and held the section virwoolen mill employes in the Pasesaic of the each for the first three months for twenty-fou- r tually district. Twenty-fivcontest; policemen,a hours. ' to the sticks, weilding repulsed night of snowfall in Adding At a conference heavy Salt Lake City. crowd estimated at 500 men and wolast week, which took thirty-twthe offices of the state road commismen and prevented their parading lives in the East, storm choked roads sion, Salt Lake County offered to furthat city. through everywhere, delayed railroad traffic, nish from its state road tax $40,000 and 1.9 of miles particularly for construction of about Scranton, Pa. Police with riot guns heaped, up .drifts ten to twelve feet pavement on the east side of State were off a crowd of six hunhigh in many sections of New Eng- street, and running north from the dred holding miners at the Diamond striking Loven-dahls land. A storm in Chicago took, three south city limits of Murray at in Park place, Tuesday. washery lives. corner. Murray city commisThe men marched through the While the . east struggled through sioners said that $5000 was as much streets from North Scranton. Many the sowndrifts, Colorado, Montaia they felt, as the city would afford. of them carried clubs. As they went and Wyoming wepr basking in wa m Livestock Lake Salt throughCity. along police headquarters received a winds chineek sunshine, fanned by out the state is in good condition, with call and reserves were sent to the from the Rocky.,m(mntains, and notample moisture to supply Its needs, scene. ing Increased flocks of robins. Great to the weekly survey of the The marchers halted as they faced according Falls; Mont., usually a stronghold of n bureau. weather United States the police. A committee of strikers winter, reported a butterfly. Denver at Garland, is good conferred reported with the captain in charge 10 a has had temperature degrees and Ogden. Recent storms and entered the office of the washery, above normal for the first ten days of February. They are plowing in have improved the range at Holden, which is alleged to be removing coal same is true of the Cedar from a culm dump and preparing it Alberta, but forecasters see a disturb- and the where new snow has for market in violation of the strike vicinity, City ance headed that way. is also new snow at order. fallen. There While a Laramie rancher was while Blanding ranges Monticello, The demonstration was the first catching a box of grasshoppers as in- have been by showers. improved that has occurred as a result of the dication that winter was over, ten snow action of the executive board of Disinches of snow was falling in Phila- Southeastern Idaho has ample stock. for to supply water trict No. 1, United Mine Workers, in delphia hnd' Washington, D. C., with a foot or more falling farther ; north. Salt Lake City. Support in secur- appealing to the mine workers to The storm, now headed northeast- ing legislation for the protection of close down seventeen washeries said ward in the Atlantic ocean, whipped Utah school land was promised by the to be in operation in the district. Dehuge seas and drove coastwise ships Utah State Farm bureau, in a letter claring that the field workers had not to shelter. sent to D. W. Parratt, secretary of the been very successful in their efforts Railroad traffic suffered heavily, Utah Educational association by M. to close them, the executive board rethough energetic snow removal mas- S. Winder, executive secretary of the quested that the rank and file assist in a peaceful and lawabiding way tered the situation after some trains bureau. to attempt to stop work at these in New England had been stuck in Price. At a meeting of thirty-foudrifts. places. Price and Wellington farmers called At Brockton, Mass., public buildings by Orson P. Madsen, county agent, were turned over to hundreds of perMINE PROFITS ON INCREASE sons unable to reach their homes. it was decided that the eradication Several smaller towns were cut off of three principal weeds that are Net Proceeds of Silver King, Utah from the outside world by the drifts. gaining a foothold in the county Apex and Others Climbing In Rhod.e Island a train of the would be one of the chief projects to Narraganset Pier railroad was snowed be undertaken in 1926 by the farmers Salt Lake City. Other metal mines in until only the tops of the cars were of this section. of the state shared in 1925 the prosvisible. Its twenty passengers walkLake City. The Salt Lake & perity which increased the assessed Salt ed three miles to Kingston, R. I. Denver railroad company, which provaluation of the Utah Copper by more It was the second million-dolla- r poses to construct a railroad from than $9,000,000 according to assess0 $2,000,-00snow for New York City. The Provo, Utah to Crai, Colo., through ment returns filed with 'the state thus far appropriated this winter the rich Uintah basin, has been board of equalization. probably will be wiped out. The street granted until April 1 to file exceptions Notable among these were the Utah mien. 20,000 exceed forces cleaning to the adverse report of the examiner, Delaware Mining company, in this received notification to according which reports an assessed valcounty, Bill Tax Finish Senate Hopes To commerce .commisfrom the interstate uation of the ore contents of its holdWashington Managers of the M. Bamberger, vice sion Julius on net proceeds, of by based ings, tax reduction bill will start to have were Exceptions last year there were whereas president. a drive calculated to bring about the been filed on Minno net February Tuesday, the Utah-Apeproceeds; passage of the measure by the senate 16, but due to the manifold interests inwhich an company, ing reports the For before, the end of the week. vital and their Utah Colorado in and of in crease more values similar than first 'time this session, the senate will concern in the construction of the Silver Kink Coalition the $2,000,000; at session in to night, be asked stay line, the commission has granted the Mines company, which increases its Chairman Smoot of the finance com- extension of time to valuation by $1,200,000, and permit the premittee announced he would continue sentation of a complete and properly reported United the States mine at Bingham, a program of meeting at 11 a. m. and bill of exceptions. an increase in values of which shows comprehensive is quitting at 10 p. m. until the bill All the $1,250,000. mines, Salt Lake City. A. W. Anderson of passed. Both Republican and DemoSilver are in Salt the except King r secretary-managethe of Utah the insisted that cratic leaders have Price, Lake county. bill should be passed this week so as Honey Producers' association, reports It is confidently expected now that to assure tax reduction by March 15, that J. S. Paton of the John G. Paton the assessed valuation of the metal met when first tax installments on 1925 company of New York recently mining properties alone of the state renewand with the Utah association incomes are due. an increased valuation this will show ed contracts for the present season. over last of at least $20,000,000. year The company purchased the Utah surSenate Kills Publicity Tax Bill alplus honey handled by this associaWashington. Repeal of the law Beason Declares Coast Is Interested lowing publication of the amounts of tion for the past two years, and the Salt Lake City. Pacific coast interthe is assured, fact that it has purchased the third income tax payments ests are interested in the development with this provisof the senate having approved high regard crop tells of Utah, according to Ross Beason, bill reduction tax into the which the views Utah it written product. ion president of the Ross Beason & Co., by the house. Before accepting by Uintah of A soil the survey Myton. who returned recently from a busiacclamation the repeal provision, the the been area issued has by ness valley amendtrip to Los Angeles, San Fran49 an to 32, senate rejected, United States department of agriculand other coast cities. cisco ment by Senator Norris, Republican, ture bureau of soils, working with the inmake to all of Nebraska, proposing station. The survey Ship Full of Dynamite Gone come" tax returns subject to publio Utah experiment also covers climate and resources. San Francisco. The steam schooninspection. Salt Lake City. The Piute reservoir er Yosemite, laden with dynamite and near Marysvale and the Sevier caps, came to her end in the troubled Cannery Equipment to be Enlarged for PlansIdaho. enlargNampa, bridge reservoir, twenty miles south waters off the San Francisco harbor y There ing the equipment of the Nampa of.Nephi, each contain 5000 acre feet rocks, breakers and fog. have been prepared. Modern ma- less of water than they should, on ac- with rocks, breakers and fog. There chinery for processing peas and corn count of the unusually dry winter was no one aboard, as her crew of men had been taken off , of an estimated cost of $20,000, is now season, according to Bryce McBride, twenty-eigh- t contemplated as an addition this Sevier river water commissioner, who by the steam schooner Williamette a spring, so that the, plant will be has just returned to Salt Lake City few hours after she struck on the 'sablfe for handling the 1926 crop. lagged rocks of the Point Reyes reef. after a trip through that section. ; Inter-mounta- in s t one-ha- BAYER ASPIRIN-- SAY lf e - Unless you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by mils lions and prescribed by physicians over 25 years for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Accept only Bayer package which contains proven directions. Handy Bayer boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. . 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Now I enjoy active intereit in all around me. t Mn. L. H. Darnall 1035 Eeit Lacuna Ave. Del Moinei, Iowa put It off another day. Get a bottle at your druggists now and start the good work right away. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills for constipation. Its the little things that count especially in the primary arithmetic class. If a man fails at being successful, he may at least succeed In being a, failure. Some people are so dumb they have to have a reason for being happy. If a man is wedded to art lie Is apt to find the dowry unsatisfactory. Childs (MOTHER Fletchers Cas-tor- ia i3 a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. |