Show figures how dairying steady source of cash all lit in till nil the lie inores inures dairying dalry ln to lie it safe business bui siness tile product production lon of crenin for manufacture into creni creamery nery butter batter and taken over a period of years it Is not ns as a sen gen cral rule subject to us its sharp price its iia other oilier farm products be canse of a 11 jilly increasing consumption nikl and tile fact unit the increase lit in cows cow inest of necessity bo be alov and the lie further I 1 fact that lint mien other clops cl ops RII go up lit in palce and feed Is rela high ninny many cawi ire are not fed fur for lilg liest milic production und and many others aire no longer conf cr milked lied but turned into beet these natural lynli s in tile industry against sudden increases tea ciul to bul bill ilice production against consumption maint aaning n profitable price level over a period of yours provided flint labor la Is well employed so na its to keep up the lie linsIng power A lierd herd of milk cows included lit in general fi liming always provides milk for hogs bogs poultry till and calves an nal in fit lime dine of overproduction over production or failure of oilier crops la is a godsend to aery fa fanner riner |