Show f y the lock on the door of knowledge is never a snap K A movie film filin which h append happened lo 10 be tikon at the linio aided james cantrell in winning a verdict for tf fir losa logs of both lopa logs in a car accident i t in new orleans Orl rang the he mrs ethel menz tf of oakland cal was partly rc stored 1 y a apolo foot live in an si 1 acia S sinay L n ay only excursions commencing sunday june 21 and continuing each sunday to and include ing september 27 denver 1110 crande western will sell round trip ti 0 bets good sunday only between stations all on its ita lines in colorado utah and now mexico where the one way fare does not exceed at a rate of on one e f fare anre pi alua us 25 cencil f for or the round trip no to be sold for jeam i bh than |