Show A tip for far aogle anglers anglers An glera especially those who seldom have bine any luck may glean glinn a novel f from the methods methodi of old logue medicine man roan and of no isolated triba of a eskimos 1 op the wind adept wept mud flat data between the yulon and us usi luo zowla ln in western aleska livery 1 vt ay just before the aal baiz tan juji run ui up the 1 spawn logue cow io 0 o th alie river hera here he per torah queer i s aud a ingle ritas he wear wean IL a wood wooden vault ma k r re band a salmon almon trout troit and d dance a ne u and charies cha rits commil hig the flah ash to swint up the streams to hit people diw tills this power logue ez ex er bertg is over er the fishes he visits every home hoine and coll aits one wie fourth of alf tile his fish caught as a hta hare Path Mag magazine pAne v |