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Show V Takes Out s Dr. Scholls stop all pain quicker than any other known method. Takes but a minute to quiet the worst com. Healing starts at once. When the com is gone it never Zino-pad- comes back. If new shoes make the spot touchy again, a Zino-pa- d stops it instantly. Thats because remove the cause-pres-sing and rubbing of shoes. s Dr. Scholls are medis Zino-pad- cated, antiseptic, protective. At all druggist's and shoe dealers 35c. DSScholTs Zino-pad- s Put one on the pain it gone! Praise For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, etc. Relieves Distress alter Hurried Meals or Overeating. Being a gsntls laxative, It keeps ths digestive tract working normally. 30c L 90c. At all Druggists. GREEN, Inc. WOODBURY, N. h "Usually, If a farmer needs a exthe to fence, he doesnt go wire b pense of stretching a along that line, even though a hardware salesman tries to persuade. The question of mineral supplements for swlno rations, which has stirred up considerable discussion among farmers, Is a very similar problem and Is almost as simple," says Dr. W. E. Carroll, chief In swine husbandry at the college of agriculture, University of Illinois. The two things most needed In the way of mineral supplements for swine Is a little more straight thinking on the part of the men who feed them, and a little less 'hocus pocus on the part of the salesmen. Some rations need a mineral supplement while others do not - In case the ration being fed needs a mineral supplement, it Is not necessary to pay exorbitant prices for ft. Some Rations Need Protein. If a ration already contains enough mineral elements of the right kind, nothing will be gained by adding more. fence It Is the problem of the when one 3 feet high Is ample. In general, rations which contain liberal amounts of skim milk, tankage, fish meal or other protein supplements of nnimal origin will contain enough of the necessary mineral elements, except common salt, to meet the needs of any class of swine. On the other hand, swine rations which are made up entirely of materials from the plant kingdom are likely to be deficient In lime and may also lack phosphorus. As examples of these rations may be mentioned corn and soy beans, also corn and soy bean oil meal. Even with these rations which are known to be deficient in mineral, nothing apparently Is to be gained, except In special cases, by adding other elements than calcium, phosphorus, sodium and chlorine. That being the case, the source of these elements, their cost and the proportion In which to feed them are the questions needing attention. Cheap Source of Calcium. Without going Into detail, it may be stated that a cheap, yet satisfactory, source of calcium is the ordinary agricultural limestone of high calcium grade. One of the best sources of phosphorus Is steamed bone meal, while sodium and chlorine are added as common salt. The proportion of these materias quite generally recommended at the present time, Is: Two parts ground limestone, two parts steamed bone meal and one part com- . Is being done In a goitrous area,feeding the feeds and water will be deficient In Iodine. In these areas one ounce of potassium or sodium iodine should be added to each 100 pounds of the mineral supplement. Thi9 simple mineral supplement can be mixed on almost any farm at a cost not to exceed $1.25 to $1.75 a hundred pounds, based on average retail prices of the Ingredients. If spent hone black can be bought for less than steamed bone meal, it may be substituted for the bone meal iu the formula. The Indiana station has obtained good results from feeding a mixture composed 'of ten parts wood ashes, ten parts 16 per cent acid phosphate, and one part salt, 4S-Inc- four-year-o- ld This book Is highly spoken of." Where? On the Jacket." j. OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a worldwide remedy for kidney, liver and bludder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. night? The same little Barbara followed grandpa to the basement and was You don't need to heard to say: worry, Til help you, money Isnt everything." Indianapolis News. An Emergency Cast Werent they married In a hurry?" Yes, each was afraid the other would back out. Pathfinder Muga zlne. There is one fact we cherish: We never said no" when a boy wanted to go to the dlrcus. Life Is worth living, If only to gratify your curiosity about this universe. HELP FOR SICK WOMEN correct internal troubles, stimulate vital sizes. All druggists. Insist organs. Three om seisass wanvsasew ssvw mbUJUn Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Has Restored the Health of Thousands lun. iviis. of 228 Schaeffer St., was mkhvi G. neg-manIn a run- - n down condition and could not do her housework. She could not sleep at night. Her story Is not an unusual one. SALESMEN WANTED Men to take orders for tailor made suits. Have openings in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada. 150 New patterns to sell at $28. Union made. Average earnings from $75 to $100 per week. The A. Nash Company. 3 Branch, Boyd Pnrk Building, Salt I.ake City. Utah. The largest tailoring house in the world. Thousands Inter-mounta- in - of women find themselves in a similar condition at some time In their lives. I found your adIn my vertisement the most beautiful face; remote them with Lr. G.H. letter box, wrote at your Berry Co.s Freckle Ointment, II 26 and deeleror by mall prepaid. Keauty Booklet Free. Mrs. Hegmann, and took Lydia E. hr. 0. U. Berry Go., 8V76 Michigan Avt., Chicago. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Hegmann also took got relief. Lydia E. Pinkhams Herb Medicine and Don't treat sore inflamed Lydia E. Pinkhams Pills for Constipasmarting eyes with power tion, with good results. She says, I drug's dropped" in am recommending your medicines to band. A soothing l all I know who have symptoms the effective, safe remedy fs best 26 cents same as mine, and to others whom I druggists. think It will help. You may use my A RUCKED fcBALL Bew York City statement as a testimonial, and I will answer any letters sent to me by women who would like information regarding your medicines. LY KILLER attracti and There are women In your state Bnywhere, DAISY Ped uis ail flies, Meat, dean, ornamental, convenient and perhaps In your town who have writk cheap. Lasts all sea raon. Mad of metal, ten letters similar to thi3 one telling can't spul ortipover; will not eoi or Inare how much Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has helped them. anythin. Guaranteed Insist upon The Plnkham Medicine Company, DAISY FLY KILLER Lynn, Mass., will gladly furnish other from your dealer. HAROLD SOMERS Brooklyn N. Y. women with theso names upon request 501-2-- iFreckle'SDisfigure IrM? The best way to control the onion maggot Is to trap the adult files which lay the eggs. These flies like sweets. About twenty small plates of a little poisoned sirup placed on an acre will do much to control them. The plates should be coiered with a wire screen of a mesh small enough to prevent bees from getting In. mesh Is the most satisfactory. This screen will also prevent poultry and birds from drinking the sirup. The sirup cun be made by dissolving ounce of .sgdlum arsenite in a gallftn of hot water, and then adding a pint of molasses. The addition of a slice of onion makes the sirup more attractive to the files. I Dawdling Process -- Boston Transcript The bridge between Is not long. Joy To His Liking ' She Im going to. have my new dress made small. He Small on the 1)111 I hope. Fire that's closest kept burns and sorrow of all. -- Prevent Maggots From Attacking Onion Sets Kill All Flies! What do you think of evolution?" Dont fancy the Idea ; Its too slow. one-fourt- li most Shakespeare., :io-oo-80o- oo:; I Agricultural Notes iioooosoo-oooi- ! Coecldiosis and bacillary white diarrhea are chick diseases dreaded by every poultrymnn. All the good things that can he said about alfalfa apply In slightly less degree to clover and other legumes. A few friends drop in on Pa Buzz clears your home, of mosquitoes FLIT spray flies. 1 1 also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, and their eggs. Fata! to insects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. a Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches test iruiiu M. (tJ-- "The yellow can with lit black band" As long as the tree or a bush only reason you plant Is to have something worthwhile growing, It looks like good sense to use sufficient care In the planting of the tree or bush to insure Its growth. A period of better prices In the beef-rattl- e Industry Is ahead because the number of consumers Is Increasing and because there Is already a shortage of young rattle. The high point probably will eome In 1931. , DESTROYS To Wage Poison War on Cabbage Maggots Corrosive Sublimate Guns .Useful for Purpose.' New tactics are to be used against y cabbage maggots this year by N. Instead of of J. Farms, Bridgeton, using the customary method of hoeing around the young cabbage plants to remove maggot eggs, the company will poison the pest with corrosive sublimate. With the new method, the young cabbage plants ore watched after they are set In the field. When eggs .of the maggot fly are found, which under ordinary conditions will be within four or six days after the setting, the y Farms workmen will go Into action with their corrosive sublimate guns. Instructions have been Issued to apply the solution on the plants for a space of almut two Inches above the ground so that It will run down to the roots. A second application will be made ten days later. y Farms compuny estiThe mates that this treatment. Including materials and labor, will cost about $15 an acre for each application, which Is considerably below the cost of the old method. C. 11. Nlssley, extension specialist in vegetable growing for the New Jersey State College of Agriculture, asserts that corrosive sublimate has also been used for checking the ravages of cabbage maggots on cauliflower and radishes. The chemical can be obtained at any drug store. For cabbage maggot control, tt Is dissolved at the rate of one ounce to eight or ten f a gallons of water and about each to solution of the applied cupful plant. Del-Ba- Daddy was to attend a business meeting at the Legion so mother and Barbara decided to go to the movies. ' The picture being shown that evening, unfortunately, depicted the somewhat comnioD story of a beautiful woman gulntug the ad miration of the other woman's husband and father of two children. On returning home daddy had not arrived ns yet. Barbara hesitated for a moWell, ment, then curiously said: mother, where Is our husband to What do you think of the girls of today! Ob, theyre making a good showing." 6. Rations for Swine Containing Skim Milk, Tankage, Etc., Are Favored. Checked Up on. Father Cant Deny This C. Mineral Mixture Hostesses should lay In a heavy sup-lil- y of refreshments when they expect to entertain guests who like to display their charleston proficiency, says th Kansas City Star. An account of an exhaustive survey of the energy consumed In dancing made by a group of Scandinavian scientists at the physiological Institute of the University of Helsingfors, has Just been received at Washington which sets down In precise figures the number of calories used in different kinds of dances. The waltz went to the bottom of the list with '3.99 calories used per hour per kilogram of body weight The schottlsche, beloved of grandfather and grandmother, scored .02 of a point below the modern foxtrot using 4.70 calories while the latter required 4.78. The polka, another Institution of grandmothers day, needed 7.50 calories an hour, while the mazurka, evidently the fastest dance the learned Scandinavians could get anyone to practice for them, took 10.87 calories, or almost twice the amount of energy consumed by the stonecutter plying his trade. allpain instantly Zino-pad- Saving Price of Modern Dancer Needs Supply of Caloriei Moisture Is to a good crop of fruit. Do not allow any of it to escape. Keep the dust mulch on the ground by running over It every ten days or so with a spike-toot- h harrow or some like implement. Del-Ba- Del-Ba- one-hal- Control Melon Aphid by Application of Nicotine (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) The melon aphid, which attacks watermelons, mnskmelons, cucumbers and like crops. Is effectively controlled by the application of nicotine either as a spray or dust, says the United States Department of Agriculture. This insect, frequently called the melon loose, is very small, varies In color from light green to dark green, and the wingless forms are lousellke In appearance. The pest has more than 40 known natural Insect enemies, which In some measure check Its ravages, according to Bulletin No. 1499-F-, - "The Melon When condiAphid and Its Control. tions are favorable for Its development, however, artificial control becomes necessary. The winged forms of the aphid develop on other food plants and fly to the melon and cucumber vines, where they feed on the underside of the withe a4 die. leaves, which Since the Insects of causing wholesale destruction on short notice, it is Important that a constant lookout be kept for any sign of the pest and control measures applied promptly. The bulletin contains a general description of the melon aphid, the nature of Its attack, distribution, food plants, seasonal history. Insect enemies, and methods of control. A copy may be obtained free, as long as the supply lasts, upon request to the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. CL e Bichloride Is Safest for Sweet Potato Dip Growers will do well fo continue using mercuric chloride for the control of certain sweet potato diseases, In the opinion of ' It. F. Toole, associate plant pathologist at the New Jersey agricultural experiment station. Experiments Indicate that a number of new organic mercury compounds now on the market must be used with caution. These substances control the diseases very well but also poison the roots of the plants and thereby reduce sprout development to a considerable degree. Until this bad effect of the new compounds Is overcome, growers wifi get better results from the old mercuric chloride or, as It Is sometimes called, bichloride of mercury, dipping method. In making the solution for this, one ounce of the bichloride Is used In eight gullons of water. B.v Immersing the seed potatoes In this for ten minutes, the grower can destroy scurf, black rot, soft rot, and stem rot organisms on the surface of the potatoes. No solution is effective, Doctor Toole adds, unless healthy seed Is selected. The only function of the seed treatment is to destroy organisms resting on the potatoes before they begin to enter the skin and young sprouts. Once they have entered, no surface treatment can reach them. It Is to everybody who has handled milk or cream, that both will take on odors of all kinds. Cream which Is delivered to creameries frequently has odors and flavors rang lng from gasoline, kerosene, potato, fruit, to dish-raeowy antf stable. These odors are a part of the cream. When such cream Is delivered to the creamery the hutternmker cannot sift, strain, or force these odors from the cream. He may drive off some of the milder odors by pasturlzing and cover up others, for the time being, but the odors and flavors are there, and If given time will affect the butter. well-know- n it was only a decade or two ago that Toultry raisers who can get high egg yields are almost certain to make a profit, because egg production is closely tied np with labor income and profit. It Is pointed out by L. E. Card, e chief In poultry husbandry at the of agriculture, University of bnphazurd growth was a chief characteristic of the typical American city. Today the order has become, to large extent, carefully regulated development. When city plunning first was talked about In this country It was regarded by the general public and by perhaps most city officials as Ideal and Impracticable. By many it was connected with the city beautiful Idea and was not taken seriously business men who by matter-of-fabelieved that the expansion of a city was something that would have to be left to take care of itself. How that condition has been changed Is Indicated In an annuhl 'Survey published by the City Planning Quarterly, official organ of the American City Plunning Institute aud the National Conference on City Planning. In this U Is shown that both city planning and zoning have made remarkable progress In the last decade. At last, It is said at the outset of this survey, there la no state nor any one of the 60 lurgest cities In the country to be reported entirely lacking In some form of city planning or zoning work. Reports of activities were received from nearly COO cities and towns, 140 of which contained populations of less than 6,000. It Is not simply the big city, but the smaller center as well, that has become Interested In regulated growth In the Interest of the comfort, convenience and general welfare of Inhabitants. col-legnil-nol- Studies of the farm poultry'enter-prls- e as a business have shown that there are certain major factors Involved n determining whether a given poultry flock will show a profit or a loss. Egg yield per hen Is an accurate barometer of success In almost any poultry enterprise. Other factors are size of flock, proportion of pullets to yearlings,' rate of mortality! price re reived for market eggs and experience of the operator. Ilowever, If egg Is low, no other factor can make up for the handicap and the profits will be small. Size of flock Is a convenient measure of size of business. A small Ihim ness can never make either a large profit or a large loss. A large bust ness is necessary for a large profit, but It must carry the risk of a possible large loss. Mortality of hens and young chicks is frequently a major cost In (lie production of eggs and unless the mortality fate can be kept down to a reasonable level It will be very difficult, If not Impossible, to show a profit, t The price received eggs Is an important Index of profits from a poultry flock. It Is often easier to Increase returns by producing a bettor product and finding a higher market than by raising the egg yield per hen. assuming that the egg yield Is not too low to begin with. Finally, experience helps the operator to achieve results. Even If it does nothing more than teach him how to make the business measure up In respect to the other factors mentioned. It Is an Important asset. It Is unwise for a poultry business to be allowed to grow faster than the ability of the operator to manage and control It." ct n Good Taste in Design Point of Importance The bungalow has come In for a great deal of discussion of late years, being assailed by many authoritative sources, and defended by others. The principal Influence clearly defined In the bungalow (a oriental, being traced In the United States to California, and thence to China, Japan and India The oriental pagoda Is the father of the bungalow. It permits a great free dom of action, and the confining of the operations of the household to one floor or to one floor and only a few There Is Much Profit rooms above. Because of Its founds in Proper Management tlon size, the onefloor bungalow Is more costly than the Shiftlessness has been, and always which has two stories. pill be, the price of dear experience With the possibility of following There Is a profit in only what we take practically any type of architecture care of. . in home building, there Is no reason To go about the work of caring for for ugly architectural design, and It poultry In a mechanical way, Impm should be borne In mind that even tant matters will be forgotten, details the most modest and economical dwellwill not be noticed. There are entirely ing can be correct In line and color, too many who trust to luck ami do and that no matter how limited the not stop to think, writes Michael K purse good taste can be developed and Boyer In the Farm and Ranch. A entered Into the humblest of homes. ' man who rushes Is In a constant hnr As RusklD says: We require from ry, and never accomplishes much. buildings, as from men, two kinds of Good management cuts down ex goodness: first, the doing their prac- penses. Scrub treatment brings s rub tical duty well; then that they be returns. Toultry raising commands graceful and pleasing In doing It; the 6ame business methods ns emwhich last Is Itself another form of ployed In good dairying the !wi duty." food and care for best results. The Idea that anything Is D Spare the Tree enough for hogs and chickens of ruined the prospects Destroying trees that ornament the wrong. It has roadside, even when they are removed many otherwise good farmers. Noth In order to widen the without effort, ami thoroughfare, lng can be secured never falls to bring a pnng to those the more Intelligent and practical that with a love for the beautiful in na effort, the better will be the success tnre. When the trees have been plant ed by Individuals and have attained Methods of Spreading their normal growth the blow has ad Disease Among Poultry dltlonal force and clashes between property holders and county officials One method of carrying disease K are of frequent occurrence, sick chickespecially on the shoes from a yard of when the latter go about forbid en to learned ens. Farmers their work with an Inexcusable ruthlessness trance to their hog yards when then Sometimes It Is a community that Is was a scourge of hog cholera. They affected and concerted action chicken elthe) should forbid entrance to the modifies the destruction or averts Is prevalent. Ioul their runs when disease entirely. New York Flerald-Trthnnbe should kept out l buyers try to the (lock deed, the only safety all 'W Be Sure Plans Are them against quarantining Right should caretaker In the building of The and tors dogs. your house, first breaks out b sure yon are sickness wear If rubbers right and then go In one of his pens, and not allow the thead." Know as much as you pos slbly can before you design your house soles of his shoes to touch coot ml r buy your materials or start In to nated' grounds. Take the' rubbers off hnlldl Then yon will he snre before stepping out of the door Clean ,onr all dead floor plan Is what yon want, your ma- up and clean out often. Burn terials the sort yon desire and can birds and the litter from houses where and afford to pay for. in every way eJl there has been sickness. Expense this will Increase yonr h.v dieae are saved avoiding Joy In yorr worry home It Is folly to let a condition go until It Is big enough to demand a fight. semi-bangalo- I 1 go-n- ! 11 Good Materials Pay In It pays I Bad Odors and Flavors Found in Milk or Cream LARGE YIELD AIDS POULTRY SUCCESS Haphazard Growth of Cities Being Checked the long run to oest materials. Your home Is buy the too 1m porta nt an Investment to Its endanger uture value and Incur risk of expen dve repairs by stinting on materials considering the chances you take, the difference In cost between rials and cheap ones Isnt good mate worth con d dering Belter to postpone building 'he garage or sun porch, or some other oart that can be added later. Use Restraint in Planting with the exception of the shrub bor ler. which may he nsod the t reel and the property lines, along the paint r?..fhthMPKb"C POr1,on of the PrP very restrained. Small Towns Opportunity oil the It pw, pie n a ! iZSr little town who cuu,,,e seek It. would he cul fured fnr beyond the cities. Small Towns Advantage a small In jonwant town, If there Is anyone to get .fainted Minerals Big Factors Minerals are often limiting factor In egg production. Heavy laying Yowl to four pound of from three require oyster shell or Its equivalent per year Even though the hens have enough protein and other food to produce a large number of eggs, they , will cut their production down to . meet the amount of minerals which they have for shells. A balancing ration mean supplying minerals and vitamins s that all of the organs of ihe fowl work efficiently. Shade Is Necessary Shade Is very necessary for chicks especially if they are late hatched for they are stunted by the hot. dry wenther and are more liable to be effected by disease and worms, than If hatched early. Plenty of grit and chnrconl should be within easy reach of chicks when on range unless sand or gravel Is present In large enough quantities to make It nnneresmrv to furnish It extra. Plenty of fresh water should he within euy icacli of the crowing chicks |