Show 4 sa TO BE PURGE PF loilo A F menage HARVEST OF indictments AT at ONLY A BEGINNING OF TH THE r WORK documents Docu menta in possession of the government e are und Understood e 0 dio to show extensive and fur reaching plans against government washington the great harvest of indictment rp returned at chicago it was authoritatively stated monday Blon daY 19 bue a fraction faction of the government will reap its as the result resul t of its na tion wide raia on industrial workers of the world offices officer september 3 5 only those regarded by tho the government ment t as the clief chief I 1 figures la in tile the alleged conspiracy to thwart the government erni gent in its war plans havo have boork been indicted tons of document st seized I 1 in the raid have bave yet to be studied their disclosures and arranged for use in fil furt further lier proceeds edl this work is 18 now going 9 kingon on in approximately amate ay fifty towns owns alq and cities from coast coa st to coast in obtaining indictments against ica alleged ringleaders ring leaders of the coli conspiracy spir the department of justice has simply skimmed the cream of the investigation ti documents in its possession are arc understood to show extensive and ar anor plans plane confined to particular localities and de signed to affect local situations through which those named lu in the indictments anti and many others fire are believed lieveld by tho the authorities to have sought to hamper the govern government me qt by methods some of which have not yet yai been disclosed to the public no direct connection contrary to 0 o the general belief no direct connection has been shown thug far between the alleged leaders of the conspiracy and tile the huge german cor co fund believed to haap been operating in this country couf itry since Amerl caa entry into the war many indications point strongly to the t he connection which hope to to 4 establish st AblIA but blit none it t Is reported Is absolutely confirmatory this development haa ains led officials to believe that the ull full scope of tile the operation has haa not yet been revealed reye aled so go tar far is as yet determined there no master spy no single controlling head which directed ther activities of the antiwar anti war orle ers A group of fairly generous gene proportions the evidence indicate lias has been in charge of the entina program oi of propaganda and outrages fro from tile the spreading of alleged seditious literature to the burning of crops crop and the arming of farmers and others to resist the fhe draft law |