Show tourist cars east many experienced travelers prefer tourist sleeping cars car s to the hans bans continental jou journey the STPAUL RAILWAY can arrange for your trip east in tourist cars offer I 1 A you y ou choice ol of routes and trains daily utah to chicago a N IN n a C S WILLIAMS commercial Cominer cial agent west wast second south st salt auke city f t A TRIP TO THE I 1 W WORL 0 R L DS F FA A I 1 IR R IS A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD lot 1 or comfort und and convenience TRAVEL VIA THE SANTA FE A trip n tills alltia la 13 an ail education in ill itself write me lite tor for cheap mites and free Litera literature turc ag sg j can save savu you money j C F WARREN general agent 9 suit stilt lake city utah A T S F bryco rR RY co joss saB H a ESS a a to the worlds fail wi without phout a change U hainge 1 hats how y you oil go if you goal go in the burlington routes daily through sleeper leaves aalf laki lake city at p m which is a convenient time to start stait reaches st louis at 0 am which i as f sa a convenient time to arrive no hurried packing 9 heie no house or hotel hotel hunting in the darkness E there send feour address all and d I 1 w ahl i 11 send you full particulars tic ulars I 1 a all quest y iny DI TICKET OFFICE 79 W SECOND SOUTO ST R F AVIA wat SALT LAKE CITY B a asa s 0 bertelsen bros arn blacksmiths ack smiths and aad wheelwrights Wheel wrights www all work neata GIRe done pall Marys valc mm 00 YEARS EXPERIENC A TRADE MARKS De delions fm copyrights ac anyone sandina a lielah and do nit may i ai 1 ok seer our opinion freo free chemer am u 11 InTo 1 I 1 1 0 nilon t pr robly otly llon n ar on prents ortt free most fur for securing PI Kii tontA ni alton agency t lErou tough ith mul munn ft cpa co 0 latha scientific A I 1 rbt ca clr i any illitia jour irl t 3 a enri faur ta s1 sa brkl ca new flew york omee ms iss r st it 11 C r 93 boru arume A vast fr by thrombi se br rr I 1 ra to and nd 1 ron b tol tra 4 ka chica lit st paul panl minn st louto loub mo minneapolis allus peoria pearl ill KAUSAS city me 2116 lad memphis toia tenn nashville adan ohio At act I 1 ky jacksonville fla now kew orlea la mua through service between ia CILI cavo end aa between and the pacific coast and montana Alou tanu territory 1 conne cuDco st bt these for ot the IND horii VA fiand it steam at era health train cari care bailet library cars car cars anc itte chair cars As abt vu tag th illinoia CENTRAL railroad RAIL nOAD or apply to J A FOLEY ROVE |