Show W john U cun i ng ha rn ca ta te of the Veople to ale 0 of thi A i ca A mantle shovel io v e t by 13 String bam young appy ight 1904 ky fy triant r aaa l rif installment fro ro lla streek bec after being well bated ORB ope of the file cleofa f vi dently a niao of rank look ing ng to it that I 1 was wall comfortable the chief calef anti nl judging by gestures and talk talking ipg that lio lie ivas VHS addressing rue me but us me I 1 could no ilera der tand stand nothing did not deign to reply noticing thin lis lie matio motioned nod forward TL look looking fill indian anti after ad dressing the lin tivo tive tho the chief cliplef turned to 0 tile IDI and in signi made me understand phat aliat liat ilia indian bu be biad picked put would bilth me inu in plan dign language nodding alsept to t the chief I 1 mot inot foiled the inglan forward und tile following folo ensued tile the indian gracefully and quickly it 0 o tile the addressed slid and addressing nio me so BO that I 1 could tint not him alip and that parl aart that I 1 did not at the time me I 1 put to la now 1 am wiling na an after I 1 had laar learned he I 1 wan via bolit old they had ID tp lp xay ay tile the great and mighty till pro ilive boft souad houll haa seen pt tn tit gulde thee hither my aly father tile the poble boble wood st atilt ak thee from whence thou canaii canji oh most noble air I 1 come from ilia of the man mail froni from whence I 1 wao e brought bron glit luro bere hy by demits I 1 know ehnow not il abou remember I 1 liow low thou lindst badat discovered out mighty place alyes yes I 1 remember dott remember coming in tho ilia room of the dee deb dead nay I 1 know that hat 11 althe alth great anti and mighty on whom pir poble boble la ila is bestowed the honor of r lis anwer bas baa seen acen fit at to have thee fely coo conducted ducted t to thin the ilia of 0 and gold inq un line liao seen fetn tit to leavo aye thee liro brought ugilt before him film that lie he might gnaw lipe tile hie mighty power he dolli command 8 speak peak thou at ra tiger and tell asby us by whet thoo thoa has blared tile the room of 04 ice by what right thou polluted tile the water abitt to lo ul u b by 0 thy citan 1 ll 11 l olt oh mighty itY and noble pir air I 1 come not lot with apine pr it but was waa brought here whilst I 1 did lay almust in the aleles hy by some one I 1 it know now water I 1 did dot pot pol lute jule britt and tike the hall bull pa which thou dost 1 know dolt not tin well eliou well in awil behall the nol nolle noble le rt rj inclines to ta thy gulde will conduct jhb P safe afe follow will and lie he oll conduct thee well aluos L baying which it I 1 wa il 1 led I away by y the HIB nine ame guide that meto me 0 o this lutler place I 1 was now led into inlo H R ekau courtyard where on an ItIl mense with a i was und it 1 l wa haq ut tile the cud of tile coart that I 1 a small door I 1 it hio 6 ligh which I 1 was wn led into another anit and tyri i aller chamber tha guide me ma to it a teat best quietly withdrew leaving tile me lit in a moat state af q ht at what I 1 hud had seen owl bean the wl it w whom I 1 had now idine lu III ponti pontacq pon tact ket were to me lilt an entire ik y race the ilia cui cum tollis oni anti and mannerisms being beine halt half and yet balf civilized civilised civili elvi lleo sed the ilia tongue lougue entirely lne ohp evidently he work of a ftp more enlightened race raca wall than I 1 coall they were the v hambor ham linin ber I 1 was wa DOW led into resembled ar clity prot one I 1 had well been in the only auly being that flint it t vaa capt hed so u gleel I 1 may pay richly nor of aach generous geu erous pro CHAPT CHAP chaiten TEn F arni irni hero her and and give L wet description of tile hie manner cus CUB tome toma end and fils lory of the ilia people with will I 1 had bad now become and which I 1 learned later inter as I 1 must sadly eudly conf concessi essi will lie seen 1 there wits no doubt that I 1 had stumbled on oil entirely un tin la in tile lie civilized world tile lie old legend relating to mt ml bhoola being it la Is true something ilkin ain to lie he mar bolous adventures nd I 1 inet witti but it lit illy a legend its as filat would go und and yet it devolved on mo me to penetrate into aimse unknown depth and now nov I 1 that flat I 1 had ei reveal ull all to tile world at lurge large the rhe natives were called llie children of 0 till lie ilia mighty god nil an idol depre bopre a their deity nd ind in language the everli tatIng one the language was ansof of a fotr boft swept awed pitch being much atter after tile the greek in that tile inflections and tones were remarkably sweet and soft slid timid yet too loo theirs partook or of some thing of the indian they could hardy li be termed lo in diana and yet I 1 should judge thane it to be from their dusky complex tutt mild and conre coarse batir mid aind halt half gut lutteral teral utterance and yet the natives of this underground der ground city hadus had us it ib developed later luternaver never naver seen ilia light of day nothing but that everlasting light which unremittingly ever being belair been they had bad no days ilaya weeks or enoth I 1 their heir time lime if uch such a frag nn int nt ni could bo be culled called being divided loto about three and une one liala ot of our hours called ihei lum meaning that li Is from the irie iffie tile light ight grow gold oll 1111 it grow white they professing that llila symbol was regulated and not met by tile the mighty rill ihl himself when lie had ruled I 1 lia were universal in ili style tin the kind I 1 had bad deot bribed hut but upon which I 1 will fully folly dilate later inter ali the e people simple and yet lu in a degree decree goll ilaw I 1 raw lit III all the cavern and passages ca I 1 had come coine in coill act with which were but fow for I 1 will divert long atif ti say that they had uch tim doors or anstad the wal a seemed med to part in some places where secrecy was VI veil lu 10 certain err loin of the chief d only and which cleved immediately aft after vir their heir wil rance us as I 1 had good cliare to learn later oil they were of it ft thrifty vocial wiste making all dollies clothes and articles of wearing apparel I 1 had soen seen out or certain roots anti plants which appeared appo arod to lo thrive to in this place the general system of trading anti and government was odthe best nothing hat at would ludlo Alu money lu in the least lipitis ili u circulation the head of fit tit tho tribes which was wag divided lot into three small parts arts nil all under the direct of one head man much up tf our cur government al tyle 0 I 1 president hod governors gover nurs looked after temp temporal orul affairs also tile the or chief kits ians em m aloyed nil all laborers lit in rit aking the MIN anti the nods abid as 09 each native 1151 to to take lake their turn malto malm only at the work them wall wal cl loolam caste nil being ou ft a partly parity far aliv h purpose Durpos ev of commerce which they developed ili hi a binell degree decree with and thein nelve they employed n kind of of chiji I 1 have triad lit in vain to discover dl scoTer ot what i it was composed being ruseti asad as u tile the main article of trade there wab but alt one denomination of tills sporle ehigh aras called led ged anti and was much lit in a linear dear shape with a sal I 1 if gold gild in ili the middle of aw u the hp furni form of a half maliese couii their mellio methods 41 simple tl yet I 1 might I 1 ray sy effective if I 1 ilse ie the and their plaus aa 88 fully WM that fr for instance the amli corpes coanta for one or of the natives to ili ii 1116 actori i rik ral or bitne where they tuille their aluff und slid get their gaid to la bald for tile llie with three pieces of ged and with which the next day it heam chate lilu ilia clothing and food faudi enough ellough to keep film till tile the next days daya lie he work no nip one was allowed to 0 o aturo ida fits all being compelled to show ho he chirt of the di vision division each du dai i the I 1 of and materme aawar if 11 any and lit in cai cam tj the amount thus ki kept pt exceeded ilia ho general allowance lie he surplus i was fi and the man compelled to pay a fine ay working wark a of days daa u the ral ur tir matits tim tho clothing for tile the chiefs Is made by a ceri filis set aft of women wouter of the and as each chief Is allowed in ill fact compelled to livvel at tho the age of twenty live flie wl elvee yee it will be beau it h not to le wondered ut that their clothing may be of a liner quality or bolter better workmanship workman thip other of tile the tribe aru are com compelled commelle pelle to in marry arry nt at th ahn ages abts of from thirteen reet to aix sixteen teen tn in order tiley sald said to keeps keep up tip the tribe and no ho midd pit was for nt at till nil earlier age than r than twenty ity itaster the age of twenty it a girl is iff not married 1 she ill i considered Ili iosa oss essed of the evil one in common va ea glish uni and Is offered us a suc to the gods to appease their anger ibis I 1 being tit mi way to dispose desp ee of those as old balds and ut at tho the satine sm no time the tha younger people who would be baure raure useful no member of tile common tribe wua was allowed more than one wife the thereby relly ri tu natives nn ail ill creusa instead of deuie usa lit in their ranks if havo more sons ons and daughters B thuu than are considered consid Tid dec necessary fo for r tho on tit tile the title I 1 tile he younger conets oitt a are given in marriage to the dinst rf re of tile tribe and adiv young inan who id lucky enough to marry it 11 chiefs daugh daughter tr is con alfered worthy of special mark if f there Is 1 any such favor shown I 1 ull ail ilia hie inhabitants of tills this place which numbered bertil I 1 was lold bold siitia ra calil lil about thirteen thou thousand sund there were only oliree men or priests that thai must blanc alone remain lu in celibacy us the fare virtu virtually tilly the bends of tile the government und and must alone order that hey allty settle all between man and iid wife the title being handed to lucert cei idu taiti or of tile the chief sols Thim the ina niage arriago ceremony la is itself a very lamplu jile mid and yet impressive ver and us as iny illy title proceed zi will all irive a detailed OFIL of it no d tire allowed irum hum tile fact bilat that next to tile the worship 1 oj I weir gw a and all tile the p pursuance and in a zealous manner of their they are laught the advantage of descendants in ili order that tile the trl tej may inay increase civil CiAl strife wha entirely lin unknown known each who working fully lit 11 hurni ony with ilia others y alt all things t abs a n model government the dlf lerent insignias of rank were divided f jr the he three ahlers of whom I 1 have spoken sp otien warf R i kar icar ma title of yellow liuo hue with gold baale Hs ha ling tile lluc eini worp wore a dreas it shroud com composed of afa a flowing head d tess and aind cowl loosely folded t the atilt front from the waist in 1 the knee a stripe of cloth round and round only allowing for the movements of und and of it a green color thin being the sign of mourning the hect and in ili faut all others of the iho wora tile the gown deseri beJ VIZ vie thu the women hornen wore of the saino saine texture us the ilia men man only thit the maidens wore ft a itofe what we wa would call mother bub hubbard baril atme of drets s fit ilog to the kaikee kitee alx ro tt it WILA was bound tightly lightly around lite iho limbs being befog held in at till waist by a girdle all Iv women na as they were considered equal lorethe wo worn rethe te same funo costuma women with descendants wore tho the same eanie with a girdle of avel hul liala the ilia women without chilgren wore corb a girdle of yellow jellow texture bad the widows with girdles of greet toll these b bik aig of grid with the except exception on or of tile tie women with children As ibold the tribe Is divided into three parts under vie control or of a ther chief who acting under tile the vision of tile head chief icus wiio to t described lag aa a of the great and till ailts lilts it ii i I 1 cussary to lu state slate almost coal complete control cont nl underground eaves or grottoes grott nea were of one kind till nil being in u the tame gold egold the he michi lecture varying according to the purpose for which it wa intended this filter if their air ous customs tollis and mai manner mere will SU IlICe ns its things will bo be e dur during I 1 ng the cou rs 4 of mv tale talc CHAPTER XI whon left alone in ill tho the antechamber I 1 ruminated rumina ted over nver what I 1 had bad seen bad bpd isaid und whlor w these thoughts thou ghis was interrupted by the it ppe arance of a who with deigns made ina dc tile die trist I 1 was under tili hu sail anil guldan guidance und ind that lie he was a att elit itt for I 1 lie purpose 0 of f touching rue ina tile language for three months was waa I 1 a prisoner virtu tilly in fit the little room 1 and ad during unit that time lima was u as compelled to lo bituin rain tile the lati gnage vot not vun even being permitted to leave the room for an instant iliad telling lay day from night in ili this tha place but that bright mid brilliant ILI all I 1 1130 ahne and lit in order to somewhat vary monotony of tho time abidin and in order to resu mume tile home bome little order in fit my illy alae 1 invented a adall to give me the expiration of every twenty four hours as my lud ii ad been be en stolen or lost loat presumably lite later in kiy rings to tills place the little instrument J I 1 had made I 1 will introduce Intro dude us its it bears it a ngoat tin 1111 tiit part in my alory rn th rum ahern I 1 wita connner con nned aln re it ift nall of water perli up flowing it gnarl of water till 1111 hadr it in not being just for rn ID y aj team ve as one I 1 cannot hay fay it was duy day or night I 1 lilt hit upon an idea for ilo lio utilizing rf of tills little 1 stream for the purpose of keeping of bitne so tho next leisure kinle I 1 hud hild I 1 devoted anys if 10 lo billal lug ing that would make a enod substitute for it clocks or of tile the kind being behig totally ari known to tile the people of till oy by coll the ilia drops jisi is they felep arl I 1 mado ciulo a thai would alve tile nie a fair idea as to tn the number that fell in ill an t line lime to make doubly sure I 1 made the aarno count rully fully a hundred bund red tonii n and la time made I 1 till sure aure a perfect calculation I 1 do not weh my reador 4 to believe eliut I 1 would sit down anil count t alir number of if deolis that fail fi 11 ll lu order to koep track frack of time lima nothing lit in the way may of wood belne being iown I own tho ilia place I 1 hit hud to use rug torn boril front it th the nm cliine I 1 made was faau avry avary ode kor for iii 46 ca the hum of drops that fell amounted it I 1 ll litey a minute lly menns of sus pending M n little piece of coth cloth under mider tile the dious anti and by making atit of the flair liate which I 1 lind lit in abam daneel dance I 1 mido made m ido it oy dy means of two wh wheels pelland and the wrings attached to tile bag which I 1 put in tat sli pen lon jou under tile drip batet tio w that every time a alop fell it would take lake little bay bag flown down a cor titio frac fraction timi alvo oil tile tha wall ald water waler in drop plair ninety drops a minute rol nute would wor move down n ninety limes it a acutt anutt pil lount or h pave taken tit in it down it info ule I 1 soon bion lind I 1 file sixty ini mites out As aa cloth being town down sixty inin utts lid did not more alian two yo 0 well had I 1 calculated it aud the machine being about four feet a buys above the floor ni 10 r I 1 had it watch or clook that would move fr eighteen |