Show irr ait BALDY sai SHAMROCK two fisli creek 4 that are aiu atte attention M N it sa cacek down jovn from lust hust having completed the work mapped out for tho the tilt it daidy artill kr up all I 1 the alie Sha on oil tle the mt baldy there Is now foot or of tunnel some shaft work A nood good strike 0 of ore lim haq been lit in tile thu timuel nud it 11 party who hits been autho property la is so well pl eivid that lie ho hits bus nude un art offer to purchase nil fill tile the treasury trens nry stock ilia iho is it rew new company cona which hits possession of soula some ground adjoining tile the on oil tilt south A adoo roo foot has jut beba alln fill fished which h tapped it KOOI gowl v vill ill A amr Christ christeusen ausen of sit fork bork has haq beon the property anil mryl he is 14 so well wi with ill it that he iq IJ taking fir ain arid will f boim orni at 11 i for tho th prope kropar r de develet ment of t im hij property A Is now flow oil foot to 0 o HO go down the ilia till aisil both properties it long tu tint but tie no moio work or of imy uy kina will now low i be done until spring tig reaper |