Show I 1 mm NEI arya tle the es t nates for lite rural freede free de ce divry livry oystein yeav arbeit plans for a sixty nil lion orn oni mile bine have bave be been completed in n new yo york ric the spanish minister of marine the Dil dake lit of veragua Ver agua agull is considering measures forthe for ilia l restriction of emigration T twelve hundred were ero opened in porto won or Septen september ib e r 20 the attendance I 1 the young 0 women of the cleric edip guiou of st paul have decided to marp no mau man unless lio lie is ih a union man according to newy news from I 1 bulgarian sources upward of 00 bulgarians Bulga rians were recently in tho Io districts numerous numerous arrests of Alban albanians inns were made at Constantino constantinople pleas as it a precaution during the visit oi of grand dulce duke nicho las of Rt taissia Pa issia the sheriff sheri lr of columbia county paw pa arrested cers at centralia in one night on charges cli arges of rioting and hi inciting citing a diol in an elev elevator accident at the shoe factory of A E little litle Company Jn lynn mas alas two persons were killed und and four injured I 1 wheat 1 exports since july aar aggregate bus bushels bels against 31 1879 IC bushels bushela last season aad buz bushels liels in 1100 1900 the sel schooner looner of sybil of 0 sydney a recruiting vessel left the solomons in april with on board for aud and lias has never been beem heard beard of revolutionists under galvez have proclaimed at tile the ene a oft N territory of acre and have declared war against bolivia after a week of tranquility ezsou la sou friche showed signs 0 of disturbance a ain saturday there was asli a slight glit eruption at G at night vile the aix autopsy topsy on the remains of Emile zola bolh lias has resulted in an official declaration that lie lied died front from alphy asphyxiation bation caused by carbonic oxide fumes news froin amoy china says that thab the lire bre there lias has spread to the british Britis li concession three of the warehouses and the customhouse custom house were ivere burned advices advises from say that a revolutionary lutio nary movement in favor of the first vice president of that republic buelo peres Vc velasco lasco has been frustrated brigands brigande Bri gands have captured a turkish landowner bey at grisar neair near godena forty miles from mona alir he la Is being held fora for a ransom of 1 lany inmany cattle formerly were exported from portugal to england aud and prance france sow now the tables are turned and oxen of english breed are from s ayres business failures in the united states forthe for the week ending october and 2nd number as against 17 1 1 last week V 15 in this cpr 17 97 in 1000 and 17 is in 1809 the steamer Sydney of was lost oft off the alie australian coast with all ll 11 hands ands i numbering thirty never having hi been heard of after lealiu sydney I 1 onta ona coasting trip it is now almost certain that lint t john mullen lullen it a nonunion non union man wlm who was ruu run over by a trolly car at smithville J vii was stunned or killed hilled and then I 1 aji J lacau oatlie wit track r ae atta tIrS 1 general barges captain general of 0 catalonia Cata lohia lohin fought a duel with pistols pistola with the of imperial linperi al of madrid neither of tile the combatants was injured it ed fioti san sebastian that kins king alfonso ba hao refused used to to sign certain duc aces presented to him by tile the In minister inister of war wait general weyler and the matter is receiving much comment in ili cincinnati iti it i ts s expected that tile the coal famine will be relieved during r tho coming coining week by the present rise in ill tho the ohio olibo river which will bring an abundance of fuel fi from pennsylvania west vir virginia ichi and ohio grand dulce duke nicholas of 11 russia had a long audience with the sultan last friday and discussed the abe macedonian situation the grand duke assured the sultan of eusakas Eu Rus saias nias friendly desire to maintain order there political crimes no longer carruth carr carry the e penalty inthe in the state slate of nuevo leon mexico the state congress haa passe passed A nn an amendment to the constitution stating that crimes of such character shall shalliot not by death A special dis latch from Hou ghong says tin nn extensive tire fire has occurred in tile the native quarter or of the theu city ity and that some foreign houses were damaged by tile flames tle abe lire fire it ib is sald said is probably au an ordinary but outbreak break stich us is frequent among armong the abe bamboo huts of tile the nati natives veti another attempt is ia to he be made to combine the principal plough manufacturers rs of the country into one 0 or ar two previous efforts in that line having failed charles il II deere of moline will bo be uio the lending leading factor in the new movement capital will be the macedonian committees 6 efforts to support the plans of its president general for a ge general P c ral revolt are handicapped by the hostility of of the fortner former president who refuses all assistance to 16 the new leader i |