Show wrong impression about pigs when the bacon hog bog was first introduced many mamy farmers were shy of him thinking that he would bo be hard to feed eed but experiments that have been made with different brocks to ascertain tai n it if possible ahl which rb breeds give tho the bot re results salts for food cooil consumed go to show that no one breed can claim superiority perio perlo rity in this is as different dIf terent breeds came out ahead at differ out times experiments peri perl ments show that as much depends on the individual as on tho the breed another other wrong impression that prevailed was that by selling hogs at to ISO pounds weight we were losing money as it was thought that at that size tho the frame was grown and additional weight could lo be added at le leas is cost per pound experiments time and again show that the first fifty pounds pound cost coat loss less than the second the second lafty pounds less lesa than the third aria an so n on feeds and feedler Feed lne |