Show A ESTED FOR ASSAULT 1 ala ait riese gets into trouble ill id monroe 1 y malt betso who has been working nt at it log property in ili company icv I 1 it ti umber of friends drove over to last friday evening arriving the party put up at hip house ownne owned by luto lute wl ng j elron n the stories B tolu told it seems t epst hud had been drinking aoma iso 60 it g t lie wits 4 N was cohig I 1 ag at any rate in ill the tv evening ening cyrilo winget daughter daugh tor of tile llie proprietor hall had sous up lip to any put tit pitchers of water intile in thal rooms nud alvo alfo to light tile lump sue site hud had bbown elcedo ilcedo to hii room according to tier story and had entered to light tile according to tier lier reese followed li her er inid ID tile room und locked tile door tier her anat throw threw tier on tile bed site suretta loudly for help the being heard by mrs loring who was staying lit tile house at tho the time mra loring debt up td the door knur unil anti tried tu to open it but find ing n g it locked cried out to those inside to open it flab iju girl struggled to tho the dour unil und fauld buld to boalts alia lining althe the door buor in 14 locked unit anti I 1 cant pen open it II in i moment reese reebe ll it und and the girl ran screaming out reese went down tile llie street followed by mr ali liming looting who us its a aa s he heard the ilie girls story hul st blurted after him at ept reese wui was found aud and placed under abreut b by tile llie marshall jolin john webb aleese wits arraigned before justice joseph on oil saint saturday tle ju justice tice placing tiia ills bonds at 00 |