Show D R G surveyors now at orton last friday evoking a party of den denver ver lin and d rio grande railroad sur arrived fruin from the north und and the next morning started for Orto wat the head of 0 Circle valley canyon about afif fifty ty miles southerly from roni marysvale marys vale it la its the intention so it is reported 3 lit ar t 0 11 ia t k I 1 A diw fa ii place cc that ha t will make thi alire r e ay n U ti that have been run over the loute it II I 1 lie Is also lao reported yd that the bes beat t imo will then be cross see cloned leporta are OB thick ua to the that ahat gradi grading tig will begin ot once it is ip probable however that more thau than preliminary work will be done this year as it will be lato late before the alue liu ia ready for gra grader derd |