Show ill bohl mountain in the larg jarg ano ial area west af in the large scope of country lying to to tile the north vule vale enli eat atif f gold eany found identical geological aud and those c editions are ure such ing nom cause to effia as aa uny imy kiteli gout gent and well wel read lre mining select ag presenting uh all conditions t exploration cpr the llie pre met rs with I 1 li anarea larger thao than any other othar region tit in tile at abates abets ure tire found of gold luid and filver buring bearint 0 veina of afu ofu tio i doubted doubled perman tincy the of eruptive erupt ivo material mut orial furnis furnished ded not only the formations form a lions from froin which theore precious preci oua atoms N v tile necessary ingredients ingredient a 3 for fir hiroi solutions and heat from the almost liml limitless tl mass masa of rhyolite basalt tile pa porphyria rie and kindred eruptive material courtesy sy of salt bald lake min ing M review view |