Show GEOLOGY E 0 LOGY 0 OF F m M T B BALDY ALDY GOLD gal ft B BY Y J F G GIBBS IB B S marysvale Marys vale division barring complex conditions caused by unusual faulting along the foothills on the east cast and back into the mountains a distance of from three to four miles the geology of the marysvale Marys vale division is easily read it is clearly evident that at sonic some depth the entire range is with a brolan and faulted substructure of quartzite and that it may be credited to the devonian age A small area to the north of the gold run canyon road presents some contradictory evidence the overlying limestone contains fossils credited to an earlier ago age than the devonian its presence is an enigma and cannot be discussed at this time tile the preponderance of evidence is that the area now represented by the mt baldy range and its northern prolongation the galivan mountains between millard and sevier bovier counties was under the ocean during the devonian age hundreds perhaps thousands of feet of sands sandstone tono was deposited the succeeding lower carboniferous period covered the sandstone with a thick bed of limestone at the close of the lower carboniferous a gentle upward movement occurred and the area under discussion rose above the surface of the ocean where it remained during the enormous lapse of time that intervened between the closing centuries of the lower carboniferous and well along towards the close of the Tertia ray age when an almost worldwide world wide change of level occurred along the east cast side of and parallel with what is now known as the tat baldy range and its northern prolongation the range tile the earths crust was fissured from the surface down to the region of molten rock the fissuring was vas succeeded by faulting and an idea of the bremen tremendous dous displacement may be formed from the statement that deer trail peak the highest elevation of quartzite zite is fully feet higher than the valley while the eastern section of the quartzite is burled buried beneath hundreds of feet of basalt and other eruptive material the displacement extended northerly nort lierly a distance of nearly miles in sevier valley the sandstone so conspicuous along the east side of the mountains is on the east cast side of the valley burled bulled under hundreds perhaps thousands of feet ol oi axup tl tion material this stupendous displacement is known as tile the sevier fault in the vicinity of marysvale Marys vale a great als fissure on the east paralleled the sevier fault and is now marked by a fringe of basaltic foothills and volcanic activity must have continued over a long period after comparative quiet reigned along the mt baldy range the evidences of which are found in the mixture of volcanic bombs and debris in ili a belt of oolite colite bullion canyon represents a lateral fault extending westerly from the sevier fault the apex of the divide between two mile and bullion is quartzite and Js is fully 1500 feet higher than the quartz quartzite lie to the north of bullion creek another area of 0 stupendous displacement exists along the cottonwood fault where deer trail peak rises fully 1000 feet above the zite on the ridge to the cottonwood the topographical and cross section maps to which the readers attention is invited will serve to illustrate the profound northerly and southerly faulting of the basic formation of tile the mt baldy range 0 the teachings 1 13 of geology ely prove that the v 94 9 P eiph ry Q qa R agol I 1 ta X 0 C V i in est on C 4 it I 1 I 1 itel czap X A 11 1 1 t m 40 1 1 1 ta akl UA R A 71 1 dat V i A 10 aaa za ar 0 ll 11 I 1 0 el 40 X n A 1 I 0 J qt 4 1 av 4 ito M V iq Z 4 44 VV Z 4 0 p 40 Y kil ly rots N C alim 11 andl q 1 4 Z 0 ile 1 wa C 4 31 J V W IV A ia VV PP iv alim IF tio M MAO t topographical la p MT BALDY N dynamical history of the region to the west and southwest of oc marysvale Marys vale is as follows amarge A largo area occupied by sandstone with a limestone capping because of the shrink ago odthe of the earths molten interior or because of the accumulation of gases seeking lines of easement the crust was fissured and broken into enormous fragments or blocks some of the great masses maintained their position but tile the larger portion settled down into tho the yielding mass of underlying igneous matter from those yawning fissures enormous masses of iolite and birdseye birds eye porphyry oozed up tip from the eart earths lis melted interior and formed mountain masses thousands of feet deep again the unstable crust quivered with intense seismic forces the old and but partially part tally fally healed wounds were nvere opened and fissures form formed ed in the overlying eruptive mass and great dykes of highly min erali sed porphyry now mark the location and direction 1 or of maty many of those ancient rents through the waight of the superimposed super imposed mass or of erupt eruptive ivd mat material lerial the associated heats and pre sPOof st rohr u the i t underlying sandstone was altered changed to the now familiar quartzite there are several localities where the sandstone es J those agencies and retains its old time characteristics and insensibly merges into quartzite as it nears the igneous formations mat ions the brief period of comparative quiet which succeeded the previous disturbances was broken by another uplift of the range lange and alon along the central portion extending from gold mountain south a distance of some ton ten miles a great fissure was formed jiom from the surface down to the region of af liquid fire the mighty force which split the northern noi thern portion of the mt baldy range also formed lateral fissures extending easterly and westerly from the great central rent lent those fissures became lines of easement for tile the vast mass of magma magina seeking egress and from molten the hot gascou gaseous mud flowed upward and formed great dykes of phonolite which to day dhe cheerily ertly clin clinks lis under the feet of an S occasional prospector while the eruption of the phonolite pho nolito marks the last throes of nature in the mt baldy region subsequent local fissuring of the phonolite occurred and in connection with other fissures al ready formed became channels for the up ward and lateral flow of gold and silver p beai bearing ing solutions extinct craters fields of dark colored ebl oreil tra chite ridges of volcanic brec breccia cla dykes f and chimneys of obsidian in the phonolite u prove that local volcanic forces were continued over a long period after the wide spread eruptive activity had ceased r the readers attention to in now directed 1 1 more particularly to the topographical and cross section ma maps p s while we investigate the economical results of dynamical forces just described to hotd confusion the great porphyry dykes ces only have been mapped and them the IIA veins along the trend of those dykes are prominently drawn the cross section shows the deer trail mine occupying a blanket contact which dips to the north at about eight or ten de grees gr ees and is hidden ly by overlying debris in an that locality the owners have ba blocke oc ked fl about tons of ore hav having ing an average value valde often or twelve dollars per ton about feet distant to the south r many any carl carloads odds j of ore were shipped and which netted the owners several hundred dollars per ton in lead silver and gold it is believed that the contact derived its filling by s from the north where eruption rock is ln ev evidence and probably associated with a lateral fault the high grade ore to th the south doubtless owed its origin to a second ai Y movement of solutions which passed through the large body of ore leached beached it and transferred the concentrates to the higher portion of tile the contact Hig higher herup up on the ahe deer trail escarpment is situated the lucky boy that years ago yielded a large quantity of high hig h grade mercurial ore the origin of which is an un r solved problem still stil higher gher on the mountain side is sity bated the once famous pluto like the lucky boy it proved to bea bo a surface deposit in limestone the ore was almost pure astl T ver and with no vis visible lisle reason for its in a locality where conditions axe arc 1 so unfavorable al the first great porphyry dyke that trai verses almost the entire entile district occurs about three miles west from the mouth of cottonwood canyon and occupies the great northerly and southerly sout heily fault line along this dyke is situated the nelson a vein of f gold bearing quartz that projects above the ground like a great wall x the branch vein is strong and its per manenty has been proven it yields silver anu gold tile the standard Stan daid is a monster ledge and yields lead silver and gold almost excle in sulphide conditions ti on oil the north end of the dyke is situated rt the copper belt to the west of 0 the crystal mine anu U trending northerly is a great dyke dyco of por phyra that after tf traversing aversing the marysvale Marys vale section bends northwesterly into the goald mountain district along this dyke is sit w aha a awa acar IX T amigh grade ore and now has exposed a 15 afoot vein that averages 20 per ton ane property is being worked by pittsburg peo and ought t too develop into a bonanza down on the bullion creek side the dyke forms the hanging 0 wall of the webster a monster vein with great chutes of galena and crystal crystallized iced lead carrying gold and 2 4 4 wr W r ma 1 4 41 1 fa 44 A fqy on clit enza 9 ra 1 F hr clogs 0 hy 0 I 1 it e cooki arball silver space will not permit of any description of the horse heaven and other line fine properties along the great webster yke another monster dyke cuts the country from the east side of mt delano over into bullion canyon there isa large number offlie of fine properties on tho the dyke and TOUS rous to it A study of the maps will convince anyone atall at all familiar with the relation between geological conditions and the occurrence of veins arid values that the country to the we marysvale Marys vale presents one of the most inviting fields for intelligent investment to abe be found in ili the united states r GOLD MOUNTAIN DIVISION alighting from the train at sevier station on ther lheR G Q W R R tile the observant traveler bogold to God Gold mountain will notice that the rugged and broken foothills are composed of basaltic material As one proceeds westward and enters clear creek canyon lie he will note within a mile or so of gold cold mountain and to tile the stranger is a subject of curiosity interest and study in somo some localizes loca lites the basalt caps the 1 rhyolite but in a general way it merges so gradually in int athe rhyolite that no noline Ili neof afi de markatoon mar kation is visible contemporary with the great sevier savier faul tand extending westerly the earths crust was profoundly broken or fis n along a line now represented by clear creek canyon and intersected and crossed by the great fracture which once extended from southwest of marysvale Marys vale along i the present apex of the range through Gold mountain and onward to the north into the Pah Pa vant livant range those principal assures Jis including innumerable parallel fissures were openings for the upward flow of rhyolite and abild kindred orup eruptive tive material prior to the complete solidifying of the 1 rhyolite the clear creek fracture reopened and basaltic material w was as forced up through the partially congealed rhyolite and which explains the blending of the line ot contact beginning a short distance north of the 7 az X X za E 41 Z 11 r ti 41 p ia zane jt lb 3 at all T A 1 A tao rc gak W A R 44 ca P SV A d C A topographic MAP ibie Z A 4 va Z PF GOLD 5 U oil NT the athe fact that the gorge has been ploughed sloughed hed in a bedaf bed of basalt which as robinsons ranch is approached becomes more columnar in its structure th tire the e bed extends westerly vast from sevier station a distance of some Jour fourteen courteen teen miles where rhy rhyolite olito becomes the vi country rock and forms the apex of the range C the earlier geological conditions of the at baldy mineral belt are described in tile the marysvale Marys valo vale division of the subject and to reader ja rr aad M i L I 1 1 A tn 4 f y the basalt extends exten ids some to four miles north of the canyon and is also bounded by rhyolite and other eruptive rocks tho the upward climb krom from robinsons to gold mountain is among basaltic butts weathered to fantastic shapes and highly colored orl or discolored through the action of strong solutions tho the basalt extends to annie laurie Ia urle see topographical map a belt of birdseye porphyry extends southerly a distance of a mile or two and disappears under the more recent rocks to the east of the annie laurie an enormous belt comes in from mt alt belknap and forms fornis the divide between kimberly basin and tile the head of deer creek and is also so far as exposure is conce rend the east local boundary of the birdseye this peculiar porphyry with its dark bage aua freckled specks and extends westerly lover the tiptop divide and down to warda fish creek the dikof tho the magnificent annie laurie vein or veins is towards the west and on coliat I that sida at ii al distance of perhaps or feet f droppings crop pings is a dyke of porphyry ont entirely liely distinct from tho country variety the locality where tile the dyke is most prominently expose exposes I is on oil tile the hillside to tile the southwest of tile the blue bird tunnel the tiptop divide is the apex of a large dyke of 1 porphyry y which occupies a northerly and southerly fissure or line of kr faulting cy The great sevier ledge with its marvelous m ai wealth traverses this dyke on a southa southerly ly strike and upon which the tiptop and other bon bonanza aliza claims are situated southwesterly from the tiptop the forr matlon mation changes tile the birdseye bird porphyry on the surface at least gives way to rhyolite and nd tra chite faulting is more conspicuous and explosive volcanic activity more in evidence within this area and well in towards grand old baldy is situated the fine property of the trappers pride tile the geology of the locality is given by a al gentleman intimately associated with the mines and is as follows the country is altered which has undergone a series of faulting and thereby tending to make it per to the action ro f mineralizing mineral izing lions the faults so far as developments havey have determined are parallel with the veins Thus far no lateral faulting lias been t tere e r od d to the east and southeast of the trappers pride and directly north of mt belknap is a great fold field of phonolite nearly all of bilich is highly stained with iron oxide the locality yields beautiful specimens of phonolite several undeveloped hut but most promising veins are opened with short tunnels the decomposed filling pans gold in milling quantities in a general way tile the gold mountain fa faults tilts lykes and veins trend towards that stupendous uplift represented by baldy and belknap Del knap and incidentally proves that th atthe the majority of the lodes aro are true fissures gash veins occupying as they do shrink age cracks in the cooled eruptive rock lack the regularity of strike so conspicuous in the vein system of the major portion of the mt baldy region i V it was intended to outline the predominating formations but lack of time at the last moment prevented tile the map will however serve to illustrate the general topography orthis interesting region th W and ff division it would woul d not only be an injustice to the 4 4 B R W and H section of mt baldy but to readers of the mining review doomit a brief description of one of the richest i and most recently opened mineral sections in the state from tile the northern extremity of the mt baldy range a vast belt of eruptive material |