Show inspection i increases the milk yield dairymen are arc 0 often puzzled in try jing ng to locate lacate the cause of sudden fal falling I 1 off in milk yield of 0 their herds f from roin one day to another frequently ri the yield will drop five fi vo or oc more pounds per cowan indianapolis mil milkman kinan is ro reported ported as having experienced a sudden shoria shortage gc of forty gallons on the day which came about under peculiar circumstances ile he was delivering ninety two gallons and one morning moaning i met a manin mai aio the road who re requested d a sample of ids milk the next morn ing az he had business at tho the city liall hall and the day aay following t lie ha delivered only sixty twos X noss of oe o E milk dairy authorities have ascribed the falling oft off in milk yield to various causes but we think none ot of them have ever accused a milk inspector of drying up tile the cows cow s jersey bulletin |